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Everything posted by DashTonic

  1. Who ever replaced my apd orcas with hellcats. Your a hoe 

  2. https://www.twitch.tv/youloveturd

    need toxic people too come and troll this guy


    1. Tech


      game is buggy as hell. Have not drove yet but it seems like that's where most of the problems are

  3. 10e025ddb5b03a2876b67f223f01374d.gif i still got voted off smooth brains

    1. Linka


      we lost the one game I didn’t get to be a detective 

  4. Looking like Pedo joe wing this year double taxes time

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Didn't know you made $400k a year, congrats

  5. @Ryan pay the year payment you jew

  6. when you playin phasmophobia and all three people you with  start yelling the ghost name

    1. Strae
    2. MAV


      i call that shit a punk bitch

  7. Where chocolate milk
  8. Here's this gem too
  9. when i bump a vehicle it doesnt go 5km in the air
  10. ea5d83be6f7cb12dbf690999e87a5814.jpg


    1. Unjo


      Actually crazy how some of us could go to Lemnos IRL and know our way around

    2. DashTonic


      dont even need a map


    3. Millennium


      Wins a suprise vacation to Lemnos. Fuck, Ive spent 4k hours there.

  11. Love the ads 620939f9fe3dee5e3c1b4787157b4cbd.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CIA JOSH
    3. Noahhh!


      TRUMP 2020 SKEEYEE

    4. Civak


      google adsense btw so you must be searching trump/biden quite often

  12. people getting mad about losing there ingame money haven't been in a actual casino. change my mind

  13. i kept winning idk what your doing
  14. Does this mean I can get staff sergeant
  15. guys remember click this 25bc67bd62b684e760357e2eff339a72.png @zoomzooooooom

    1. Millennium


      $10 says he was no balls'd or did it just as a meme

    2. Ryan


      He came into the channel, said "you THINK I FUCKING WONT MOVE THE WHOLE TS?" 

      We said no zoom we know you will... dont do it

      "OK IM DOING IT"
      *clicks move all to channel*

    3. zoomzooooooom
  16. Just leave it
  17. ...
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