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Everything posted by DashTonic

  1. I still have that rap you made the other night
  2. I'm down. just gotta get more vacation days. How is a cruise never been out on the ocean
  3. Forgot to add REEEEEEEE to the end
  4. this is fun116853c579d4455502a89877157b94ef.jpg

    1. Savage


      since ur rich and all u should buy me the game :) 

  5. DashTonic


    I used to have a 150 in my house but someone snake them
  6. So do you put jelly on top of peanut butter or peanut butter on top of jelly?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dangus


      YES! People who do it deserve to die. You’re cross contaminating the two jars which is a cardinal sin.

    3. hawk


      Do you put cereal in milk or milk in cereal?

    4. Dangus


      @hawk knowing you, you definitely do cereal into milk. You monster

  7. Wait when did this turn into about support app
  8. When it Tuesday and still hasn't said jokes on us
  9. I'm not gonna tell it here but there is a way ;D
  10. So how many name changes have you gone through. Since you love smelling people.
  11. You triggered me when you said silencer
    1. ScreaM


      Looks like a scene from the purge. Basically implies that in the kavala event, all of staff is against peter and will collectively hunt him down. Not 100% if that implication is right, but either way, blessed be our new founding fathers, a nation reborn.

  12. is this a april fool joke I aint buy this. Edit 1:55: well Shit.........umm 07 ingis to the most abusive admin there was.
  13. You know the giveaway I'm doing y'all better rack them bountys up
  14. When my friends don't have a PC so we play mobile pubg https://photos.app.goo.gl/i1243YZIiC3AUQcF3

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