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Status Replies posted by DashTonic

  1. never gets old



  2. Just want to clarify, there is no need to buy any senior APD member gifts for the summer sale.  It will not make them more likely to promote you.

    1. DashTonic


      What about my ghosthawk you said I could have

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. @Ares can I report this terrorist? 5ed69fe1352273c43652f6c8cfd11461.png

  4. 5A06D770098D895DFB982F57DA7026F0EC335B81

    Can this get fixed??? There are 8 hatchbacks that are not shown in this picture behind deer stand and around the broken house. Its making my game turn into a literal slideshow.

  5. eta on senior dev??

  6. If you need me to grapefruit you just message me and I'll meet up with you :wub:

  7. look at my comp request than been up for over a day, por favor? 

    love tony.

    1. DashTonic


      This is the stuff I enjoy reading awhile onbreak :D

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  8. btw someone forgot to delete the desk at glass trader 


  9. Hey, I'm just curious what the fuck people have there shit binded to like crouching leaning and stances are all default?  - tony bad at combat :(

    1. DashTonic


      1 hour ago, Big Man Tony said:

      thanks man <3 any other binds I should know about


    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  10. What's on your mind?

  11. I'm so fucking hyped, I finally graduated just to go to back to school in 3 Months. Woo!


  13. If server == not fixed

    Then fix












    This is a joke


  14. End game was good. You guys can spoil it now I've seen it.

  15. @TheCmdrRex will lethal script be affected by the new tase script or will we see tasing becomes more like lethals where they take the same amount of bullets

  16. I Just lost internet @tacosmells back at it again @Kyle Lake

  17. Anyone watched game of thrones yesterday

  18. Anyone watched game of thrones yesterday

  19. a8563a722044d59fbf2377867c906355.jpg@Mighty were rolling now

  20. Sooooooo.... did the ATM in the jail get denied, or was it just never mentioned at the Staff meeting. Cuz tons of people voted yes for it

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