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Everything posted by Creepy

  1. You must listen to Plague - Corporal - Senior Support Team - Designer Nokiastrong! Stop spamming the forums immediately!
  2. Goodbye ||BW|| TheCmdrRex
  3. I'll pay 10 mil for it if you log on and transfer it in the next hour.
  4. FTW you try to fight OG and a hacker shuts the server down. 😢

  5. Ask my ex-wife
  6. I wanted to say wrong time wrong place.. but it occurred to me that maybe this is the only appropriate comment on this thread so far?
  7. It's just tower lag
  8. What staff isn't 18?
  9. Give us your best real tinder/online dating stories

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. i win

      i win

      Killed a girl in a video game. Ended up going to meet up in rl a few months later, she moved in with me about a year after that. Still togeather 12 years later.

      The non tl;dr version is even more cringy.

    3. DeadPool


      Im a victim to rape and love to indulge in my PTSD as it is my fetish. 

      At that point I unmatched her and didnt want a court case

    4. N7Zero


      shutup deadpool u got raped by ur uncle and ur 2nd cousin u hillbilly fuck

  10. *cough*
  11. @ChrisGG There.. I did it for you
  12. Also worth noting, if the Sr. APD has evidence of you interacting with your gangshed while wanted, having an illegal weapon, etc. they can raid it just like any other house.
  13. You sound like a crackhead pawning their TV. Learn some self control.
  14. Imagine selling your armed vehicles.
  15. https://i.gyazo.com/16541fd7a81cbb9e127a54a986ca00ee.mp4 o7
  16. Something something.. something. @xDRO

  17. Winner takes all gokart race from Sofia to Kavala. $1M buy-in! Come get registered at Sofia gas station on Server 1

  18. Going to attempt the first annual "Winner Takes All" go-kart race from Sofia to Kavala at 10PM EST on Server 1. All vehicles and speed bombs will be provided by me/we. All you need to bring is your $1M buy-in and your driving gloves. By entering this event you are waiving your rights to make VDM and comp reports against other racers. These are MADMAX rules! PM me or find me in game if you're interested.
    @SixNain @Outcast @Super_Nova @DashTonic @SecTranLive @xDRO @Hylos 

  19. I will be hosting a Sofia to Kavala go-kart race with a $1M buy in. Winner takes all. Details coming soon.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. DashTonic


      Don't go above 70 km to activate it

    3. DashTonic


      Dam phone double posted

    4. SecTranLive


      This sounds pog, I’ll be there. 

  20. I'm surprised by your honesty. Commendable.
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