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Everything posted by En1gma

  1. I actually just realised you made a good point. Knee jerk reaction to see your gay ass commenting I guess. Fuck it, I stand by it. p.s I knew you couldn’t resist mentioning your favourite sport
  2. Quit yappin and go back to hoggin your noggin on family members
  3. Brother isn’t helping his case. No argument left, Flight test took it outta him
  4. Openly admitting to issuing a warning without proper due diligence? My oh my. This furthers my appeal to have Rufus unbanned and his warning stricken from the record immediately. The fact that Nicole’s lil bitch @ Milo is not responding is further evidence to aid the fact that my well structured argument is correct.
  5. @ Milo So when is this unban happening? Shawn set the precedent for what can and can’t be said, of which Rufus did not violate. This in turn leads to the conclusion that the only reason you banned him, was because he asked about a ban in a status update. That is not a good precedent to set and should be rescinded immediately. This matter has been escalated past your rank in the chain of command. I also noticed you glossed over what Nicole said to Rufus some time ago, I suggest you rethink this. P.S who’s this *insert racist word* @ 692478290 ? Obsessed Who are you?
  6. To be honest, I think you lashed out at Rufus because he posted on the forums about that time you started to cry in Medic channel after you failed your flight test and started claiming Polar Bear bullied you. You didn't warn or have issues with his comments in the previous thread. Neither did Shawn when he removed certain comments and warned Rufus about 1 particular subject and left the xenophobic comments. But as soon as Rufus brings up Milo's embarrassing history and questions the legitimacy of Boovin's ban, he gets banned For reference this is the forum warning given to Rufus for said issues, a further 14d ban is unnecessary given the circumstances and it should be lifted immediately. What exactly was offensive about the status update? Enlighten me
  7. Official TNM representative here Why did Boovin get a perm ban for calling Nicole a fat cunt? Why did Rufus get a 14d ban for asking about said ban? This is abuse is astounding. TNM will NOT be silenced. @ nicole @ Milo ???? P.S This image is to compare. Who’s worse? Hmm
  8. The GOAT is back?

    1. -dante-


      Brother hasn’t logged in on the server in 2 years. Miss that dude 

    2. Maddog
  9. INB4 ‘dIDnT yOu QuIT’
  10. Ha ha, that’s a good one bro
  11. @ Dante  get a British timezone loser 😤

    1. -dante-


      Just stop sleeping bro you don’t need it. Ez solution

  12. You’re a disgrace kid, get off the forums. R.I.P Socio, knew this guy almost pretty much from when I first started playing here, always was great fun to be around, o7 buddy.
  13. Congratulations @Isaac Newton and @Goodman on that Admin! and @Julian on Senior Support Team :FeelsBad:

  14. When you think you know people... pathetic.
  15. Congratulations @Pledge on losing Support Team Lead and gaining Sergeant! As well as @Trimorphious @Winters on Sergeant! 

  16. Did you ever get that job @McDili;)


    1. Ninjaman427


      1 minute ago, McDili said:

      I can't see the screenshot. Literally have to upload it directly to the forums for me to see it.

      He wants to know if you got the job at Stennis Space Center

    2. En1gma
    3. En1gma


      Ayy that's great haha! ;)

  17. Happy Birthday @Dante Fleury! (UK Offically) Congratulations on gaining your 25th wrinkle! :wub:

    1. -dante-


      im sure ive unfortunately gained more than 1 wrinkle per year tbh.. HALF WAY TO 50!

  18. Congrats my man @DanteFleury on Moderator! GG :wub:

    1. -dante-


      Thanks brother! :wub:

  19. Nobody is "tip toeing". It has been addressed previously and we removed things like the Offroad from the Car Garage, the Ghosthawk from the hangars and even the M-900's off of the entrance to the hospital. Those are just a few listed and oh look, they're all custom textures that have been removed and mostly suggestions from the community. Getting rid of it all together is not even an appropriate option, cause if we had that attitude towards every FPS dropping place, we may as well remove the whole map and the whole server while we're at it. Stop blaming the hospitals solely, just because everyone else is
  20. Oh here we go again with another FPS drop post... Hospitals don't just cause the issue and it HAS been addressed many times (removing a few things from hospitals at a time that cause the most FPS Drops) and yet again, go look around the map, its not just Hospitals that cause it; I have a fairly decent PC and most of my texture bugs aren't at a hospital. If people want to constantly complain about FPS drops due to the Hospitals, what about Hunting Grounds, Kavala Square or even vehicles such as Prowlers? Stop hating on Hospitals alone cause it's the forum "trend".
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