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Matt Black

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Everything posted by Matt Black

  1. Seems legit
  2. EVERYONE COME TOGETHER!  Net Neutrality and Title ii/2 need our help.  If you would like to help then go comment at https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/search/proceedings?q=name:((17-108))

    that you would want Net Neutrality and Title ii to stay in their current affect.  

  3. @Dezree Thank you for helping me when others would not and I am sorry for how you we're treated. To those of you who treat others badly just remember that what goes around comes around.
  4. I call this Theorem: The Theorem of Rational GOAT Hours. Step 1: Write down your hours at the beginning of the week. Step 2: Use provided formula below to calculate your hours for the week. G - O + A - T = W G = Amount of hours you now have at the end of the week O = Amount of hours you had at the beginning of the week. A and T = 1 W = Your hours for the week. Example: I start with 800 Hours. I ended the week with 820 hours. 820 - 800 + 1 - 1 = 20
  5. Could always remove you for free.
  6. Matt Black Astroneer It looks like a fun calm game to play..
  7. Plays.TV works perfectly fine.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Matt Black

      Matt Black

      Yes this is true..  When I was younger I used them, but I have grown to see the pointlessness of them.  I kept the same name because I was not ashamed of it.

    3. Matt Black

      Matt Black

      Not mine..  I was 11 then and did not even have a PC haha

    4. Matt Black

      Matt Black

      Ahh, you have me beat quite a few years.

  8. If anyone has an extra key for Ghost Recon Wildlands beta and doesn't mind giving it up, I would appreciate it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pledge


      42 minutes ago, savage (; said:

      50 big ones

      for a key? cuz I have one

    3. Danger


      I just finished the download eyyyyyy

    4. Dangus


      pledge, do you want it? or mind giving it to me?

  9. You are just upset that the support team already had a dish soap.
  10. I like how hypocritical some of these VX members are being. I see VX in Kavala more than I do SB.. If you don't want to die to someone in the water then don't swim directly at the guy decked with a water load out. Hey Pat do us all a favor and grow the fuck up. You are a grown ass man telling some kids to kill themselves over a video game.
  11. I was just about to say that @Talindor had been doing events that were a lot of fun like the time we escorted the VIP to Athira Rebel and fought against the cops. Not to forget @Plumber for his help as well with that event
  12. So Asylum VS Olympus? This will be interesting.
  13. Anyone who plays Rainbow Six Siege or just likes Montages mind checking mind out and telling me what you think of it?  I know a good few of you here play RB6 so I figured I would ask you guys what you all think.  


    1. Sociopathic


      Nice montage mate, some good clips in there.

  14. Matt Black


    Happy to have you aboard
  15. Congratulations @Corporal_moob, @G.O.A.T. and @Gibbs. I have no doubt that Moob and the rest of The Senior APD will lead the APD to great places.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTQbiNvZqaY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfR9iY5y94s A glimpse into the not so distant, but crazy past.
  17. Happy Birthday @Marty You need to clean the streets up of all the new awful Taxi Drivers!  Have a great day.

  18. It is very close...  

  19. Why... Why must you curse these sacred grounds with this graffiti.
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