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Everything posted by codeYeTi

  1. ... @ monster was not that Aegis member. If you're going to come out "spitting facts", you should probably get them straight first. You're mad at the wrong crew, in nigh entirety. Aegis people get money from ???????? feds, conquest, cop, and hitting the occasional lick. People join aegis poor and end up rich depressed Mistaken again, but honestly the fact that you are mistaken here might be something you could get on the soapbox about for real. @ Masonn hit the nail on the head here, though. Read his post. Everyone else here, including me a little bit above, is attempting to be combative because hey, forums drama is fun, and low key drives engagement. I generally just sit back and eat my popcorn on these kinds of posts too, but you legitimately seem to have followed a butterfly off the deep end this time. These larger gangs are able to not take "cosntant kit wipes" because there's so many homies that there's always an epi around the corner. Money gets spent, but in 2023 on Olympus, you really can sustain your bank account with fighting if you're trying to. An evening of federal events against the cops bots will net you far and away more than the same amount of time spent grinding nearly any of the more passive activities. Honestly some day I hope you find yourself within frequent proximity of a staff member by way of gang association; it will become readily apparent that, while playing the game, we're just other folks out for a frag having a good time. We're here to enjoy the game, not pre-ocupy ourselves with trying to live rent free in your head as you seem to think. If this was a troll to have fun with some forums drama, I'll have to hand it to you - you made it work! If not, however, and you truly do believe what you're spittin', then I'd encourage you to take a step back and introspect as to how your mental on this one has landed so far off base. If you knew how honest-to-a-fault some of the people you're talking about with that one are, you'd feel sorry for 'em given the way deciding to step up and be the change one wants to see can sometimes change shit. I hope we're still chill, but if you're being serious, you've fallen completely off your rocker with this one.
  2. Lets fucking gooooooo Fernano front roooowwwww

  3. The in-game mission download speed has been lowered to alleviate some server network performance issues Please utilize our mission updater (Auto-Hotkey script) that is provided above Added: 2 Additional Horns Nyan Turk Turk Scrap values AT Vehicles Tasers RPG-32 Rockets Changed: Adjusted Jet crafting and scrapping values Horns can now be utilized in boats Economic Rebalance Weapon Prices Type115 $80k -> $90k Spar-17 $110k -> $102.5k Mk14 $110k -> $100k Mk18 $100k -> $105k Mk-1 $125k -> $137.5k Magazine Prices 9mm $500 -> $350 5.56mm $500 -> $400 6.5mm $500 -> $650 7.62mm $500 -> $762 xd .50BW 20WP -> 25WP Accessory Prices ARCO $1k -> $4k RCO $1k -> $3k MRCO $1k -> $2k Bipods $10k -> 12.5k Vehicle Prices SUV $45k -> $40k Offroad $35k -> $30k Hatchback (Sport) $30k -> $37.5k Qilin (Light) $160k -> $150k Prowler (Light) $155k -> $145k Qilin (Minigun) $1.25M -> $1.125M Box Truck $130k -> $137.5k Mohawk $800k -> $775k Taru (Transport) $950k -> $850k Virtual Item Prices Lethal Injector $250k -> $175k Takeover Terminal $10k -> $5k Virtual weight decreased from 10 to 2 Cocaine $3,230 -> $3,325 Epipen $15k -> $17.5k Blasting Charge $15k -> $25k Hacking Terminal $3.5k -> $5k Deployable Turret $3M -> $2.7M Pharmaceutical seize radius decreased from 5km to 2.5km SDV and Rhib changed to EMT+ Fixed: Players loadouts wiping on rejoin Scrapping illegal vehicle not removing it from garage Hex Icons showing locked in-game despite being unlocked Blueprint usage not triggering a sync Crafting any item not triggering a sync Lethaling and receiving $0 Horn sound disparity Fixed Sitting Fuel Siphon could be used while inside the vehicle being drained Auction House listings couldn't be canceled Auction House will now always display listings Multiple missing items from the Warpoint calculation Map search could be hidden but couldn't be unhidden Gangbase not deploying Licenses on cop not properly syncing Loading is too fast on factions hinting that players will lose their gangshed when it isn't at risk AHP Hummingbird no longer incorrectly displays at distance APD access to Smoke textures for armored vehicles Removed: Nothing Hotfix #1 Fixed freeze on player death/kill Fixed freezing on taking or storing items from a house with lots of items Fixed players getting action bugged from opening briefcases/interacting with dead bodies Textures Cop SRT Hatchback @ nicole Hunter Rework Taru Rework Strider rework Ghosthawk rework AHP hatchback rework AHP Hummingbird rework Minor changes to Donor Sweater Civilian BattlEye Ifrit rework BattlEye Qilin rework Louis Vuitton x Gucci Hatchback rework Black Van 9 Coverall variants Gang Teamplayers Gang CSATs @ Renegade Autopilots Gang Granits @ kny Scythe Gang Fatigues @ nicole
  4. Nor would anyone with half a brain let you, especially at this point.
  5. I'd like to thank this "majority [minority] of the active player base" for "killing [temporarily harming]" our battlemetrics graphs, and @ Mako for making sure that the remaining players are playing on fair footing.
  6. Realized there hadn't been a public PSA on this so here it is.

    Loadouts have a bug right now where they might not save under some circumstances. This has been resolved for the next hotfix/update.

    In the meantime, after buying your shite, drop a mag on the dirt and pick 'er back up and it'll sync properly.

    1. Toretto


      Any timeframe for when the hot fix will roll out?

    2. N9ne
  7. @ Grandma Gary will have to answer for that one
  8. And he still cannot re-insure it. Unsure why it has insurance, looks like that dates back to something from 2021.
  9. TFW you can't insure the ghawk, so you couldn't do this with it.
  10. https://ensscpa.com/waste-management-inc-1998-fraud-scandal/
  11. Happy now-belated birthday to one of the real ones. @ SPBojo

    1. SPBojo


      Appreciate it buddy 🥰

  12. First off, if you read nothing else, we have fixed the server crash issue that had been plaguing us for far too long. While this may seem like a simple victory, this came down to many 100s of hours of time investment into solely this issue to track down something truly obscure. We thank you for your patience (well, mostly ) in that. Moving forward we're focused on finding and solving the issue of our server latency that is sporadic in nature. We apologize for any inconvenience that this causes you however we're hard at work to solve this issue. Trust us; I know some had lost faith with the frequent crashes, but some things really do require an immense amount of investment. I'd like to personally thank those of you that make this kind of significant advancement feel appreciated rather than thankless, and I look forward to seeing you all on the server again soon.
  13. This vindicates all the times I've made people uninstall that cancer. Razer is a terrible hardware manufacturer, and, at least outside of keyboards, it has way more to do with that carcinogenic hunk of senselessly half-assed garbage than it does the things that are purported to be the real "products"
  14. Hopefully I can save someone here. Do NOT buy an AMD 7900 XT(X).

    You all know me as an AMD fanboy, and I still am because I'm stuck with them as the only non-cunts that will give me an open-source driver to tinker on, but there is something very seriously wrong with these things on a fundamental level.

    50-150% frametime variance ~3x / second in VR. It seems someone okay outside of VR, but the frametime inconsistency is still present, though less noticeable.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JordanBeatCoivd


      AMD 580 GPU all amd products 60 fps only with low settings low terrain fast terrain 500 view distance

    3. codeYeTi


      @ haleychu I mean if you want to upgrade, then go for it, but I can almost *guarantee* you that that upgrade won't make the difference that you want it to in ArmA III at least.

      ArmA III came out in 2015 (technically but let's be honest the engine was around before the for the alpha to let people build up some content). At that time, the Fiji series from AMD (R9 Fury and friends), was at battle with the 900-series from nvidia. None of those GPUs could hold a candle to what we have today, and the game has had probably 1.5 real graphical evolutions in it's time that slightly increased it's GPU requirement.

      What holds y'all back playing on Oly and other servers with decent population these days is the engine itself. The performance we get from it today was 100% acceptable when the game came out, but there's not much more to squeeze out of it, no matter the hardware.

      If you're actually doing this kind of upgrade for an increase in ArmA performance, your time would be significantly better spent tweaking your settings, and coming up with ways to manage FPS vs. fidelity vs. visibility in various scenarios - (see: view distance profiles/hotkeys).

      Even if you have a 4090 and a 7900X/13900K/etc, ArmA is old, and is going to run like ArmA. At the level of hardware you're at even now, returns will be greatly diminishing, and the likely biggest visible impact would be just lower utilization 🤣

    4. Skys


      im on that intel gpu

  15. Wait, so there's a gang wars coming up? Where's all the beef? Who are you and what have you done with my Olympus?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Fuzy


      Server's a dumpster fire. 

    3. mat the w

      mat the w

      @ proud  wait till me and marvel jump on 



      ever since mat got banned server went downhill ngl. false ass ban 2🤬

  16. August Hotfix #2 Mission File Download

    Hotfix #2 for August update is coming out.

    Please please please download the mission file with google drive if you want to help us out and make the server lag less on update.

    Simply paste the file in the download link in your "Arma 3/MPMissions" directory, then join the server after doing so!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      @ buckie  you forget i have the nuclear launch codes 

    3. buckie


      @ real estate tycoon  India is fully prepared to use nuclear force and willing, your server will be met with DESTRUCTION OF SCALE NEVER SEEN TO MAN ON THIS ROCK FLOATING THROUGH SPACE. you will be WISHING god was real so he could save you from the Indian power house 

    4. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      @ buckie  listen man i didnt want to have to use this but we are fully prepared @ Ryan  saw this moment in a dream and bought 2.8 billion military trained ducks from the Russian goverment


  17. @ Mike Lit are you high key cheating on geoguessr...


    1. falcon
    2. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      Cant tell you how many tries that took. I also had a lot of help from @ Millennium  @ Lime

    3. Millennium


      Yeah he was pretty shit. My good memory made it a W

  18. Others have hit it on the head. Get a laptop with decent battery life, and a good form-factor for your use, and bring the desktop to school for gaming purposes. The only reason to grab the MacBook would be if you're going in to computer science, and want a more-unix-style system, but absolutely cannot go linux for it. tl;dr bring the desktop, and grab a laptop focused on battery and mobility for classes.
  19. Olympus Missions

    Friendly reminder that everyone downloading the mission file isn't terrific for the server lag, and we have a google drive for you to pre-download! (link above)

  20. Congrats. You don't like the game anymore. Now the rest of us can move on and talk about what we'd all like, rather than... just complain about something we don't even play? The rest of us are going to talk about what we would like to do about things, so we can all have some fun.
  21. Just because you're not playing doesn't mean others aren't still enjoying it.
  22. Agreed. I don't really think that medics doing DP's instead of their job(s) was really even a factor in this, though I could be wrong. Personally, I've never been on medic and seen someone overtly neglecting revives to do DP's instead unless there's another medic already responding to everything. If they're missing revives, it's almost always something else causing the distraction (in my experience). I was actually the one that fixed them... immediately after playing some medic and seeing they were fucked . I don't know if it matters at all, but you do have the timing reversed there. The reason they were broken for so long at that point, was because nobody noticed they were busted because they were so useless that nobody was doing them. Personally, I think the civ DP's are a little more interesting due to higher variety in location(s), but I see no reason for them to have any difference in values, if that's what people would want. I'd agree that they got absolutely destroyed in the nerfs... a year? ago. Now here's where we start to disagree. Taking risk and putting your skill to the test against those who would counter your objectives is kind-of... a pretty darn core mechanic for the game. Start a fed? Fight the cops there to counter. Doing a run? Deal with potential threats from APD and other civs by either riding under the radar, or rollin' around with your cock out ready to fight. Want a gang base? People are definitely going to come and counter you. The game isn't designed to be 0-loss-risk, and the frustration that comes with losing is part of what makes it feel good to successfully do/rob a run. As far as the statistics go, DP's were actually being utilized pretty heavily by new players who are trying to build up their initial bank account to "catch up" to the already-set-up player base (from what I've been told). It sounds like you probably think that the changes that were made to attempt to rebalance the few prominent experienced players using them extensively went too far; that's surely a more productive way to put it compared to "devs and whomever just nerf shit". Building adversarial relationships doesn't exactly do much to foster progress, at least in my opinion. Take this with a grain of salt, as I wasn't super-involved in this particular decision, but here's how I see it. I agree filling your time between other events/calls/etc. with DP missions is a fine activity; I do it plenty on medic. The problem comes from how "content" interacts for multiplayer experiences. Doing a run generates content for those who are robbing. Robbing generates "content" for those doing runs. Starting federal events generates content for cops. Playing cop generates content for those doing feds/runs. Unfortunately, activities with less player-to-player interaction generate less content for others playing the game, and therefore make the experience feel more "dead" and like it's hard to find something going on. Therefore, the way I see it, doing something to incentivize playstyles that encourage interaction can help the server as a whole, making it feel less empty, and less like a grindfest. I won't speak to the actual numbers of this specific change since I wasn't that involved, but I agree with the sentiment that they should be still at least somewhat rewarding, to fulfill those that enjoy them, but I definitely think that activities that improve the game for others should be encouraged over more "solo" activities in the long run. I look forward to the montage of you actually attempting to make this rate of $ doing this. I'd love to see the attempted landing points
  23. I like how I've spent my entire day on your gang base and you're over here acting like a 4-year-old who feels entitled to the valuable time of people who fucking volunteer to make a game for him. Back-end infrastructure changes are the only way we're going to move past the performance issues we're seeing these days. If you knew the amount of time that was being invested to deliver you the game you play, and how little reward there is for it, I don't think you'd be behaving like this. "futurecept", the new I/O backend, was the culmination of 500+ hours of work, and has grown to ~1/5 the size of the mission as a whole in terms of lines of code, at least. With it, we are seeing tangible benefits, including 7500% performance increases in some functionality. Changes of this size are going to have some growing pains, even with the literal 50+ hours spent on just fucking testing. If you want to do the work, be my fucking guest. Until then, why don't you try to work with us instead of just wandering around like a whiny twat? I refuse to believe you're being 100% serious here; I don't think anyone can have that few brain cells. I'm sorry for coming off unprofessionally here, but but pouring a bunch of my life into thankless shit and then getting told off by the person I'm trying to help is a bit of a motivation killer my dude. Comparatively to things like "futurecept", the taxi system took one of our guys little more than an afternoon. Are there some inefficiencies in our processes that cause things to still take longer to get released even though they were developed quickly? Sure. But, I think you're misunderstanding how much development time goes in to various things. The taxi system took very little effort, from a very small amount of the team. The gang base changes that are in progress required reworking something in order to get the result that you desired; rather than just half-assing it, we're putting the work in to do it correctly so that it's a system we can work with going forward. Even if some of these smaller features were taking up as much of our effort as you seem to think, they're important to someone, which is why they decided to pick up that task. If you want to take it upon yourself to sit in TeamSpeak with me all day and work through the issues on gang base to accelerate the process, you're more than welcome to do so, but until you're willing to put the effort in to be a team member instead of just a third party advisor/complainer, then I don't really see you having any room to continue opening your mouth. Hopefully this literature is more your speed. https://americanliterature.com/childrens-stories/the-little-red-hen
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