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Everything posted by codeYeTi

  1. gz rexo. hope you learned how to Ctrl-S

    @ Rexo

  2. PSA

    For now, please refrain from using the Legacy Confirmation Boxes. Thanks.

    1. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      and if i dont????????????????????????????????

      {youve been threatened}

    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      yeti got sen dev & started carrying the team

  3. its-working-anakin-skywalker.gif



      whats working boss? :thinking:

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      If you re-red the gif you can clear see that "it" is working.

  4. Problem with S2 was identified and fixed. You should be fine to give her a go again!

    1. Monks


      Gonna give ya nan a go

  5. Server #2 once again running with the new I/O backend today (it's been on the S1 code yesterday). Pipe up if you think something that's working properly on S1 is not on S2 today.

    Thanks again for the patience, this new system should significantly improve things for us once it's stabilized and mature.

    1. Monks


      S2 has death mini game right?

    2. Mervin


      Awesome keep up the good work man !!

  6. Update on the Server 2 situation since yesterday:

    S2 yesterday saw some sync's frequently not happening. Luckily, the root cause of this was not the new I/O plugin, and instead a completely separate bug. This was fixed late in the night.

    S2 will still be rockin' the new plugin, but after observing it after the fix, I'm quite hopeful for a lack of issues.

    Hopping on and giving her a bit more stress today really helps us out in maturing this faster, so have at 'er!

    1. Iceman


      I will redeploy an elite force of APD members with me tonight to keep the island safe while stress testing your fixes 🙏

  7. copied from my status update by request When Server 2 opens today (8pm EDT), it will be running a very new experimental I/O backend we've written from scratch over the past couple of months. We've done this as an attempt to improve the less-than-desirable server performance we've been seeing at high population levels over the past while. While we're not expecting any issues, due to this being quite the experiment, with changes to database interaction/logging, and other core components, YMMV with respect to receiving comp if things are just completely crashing. Obviously, admin staff may pity you if it's something huge, but please understand that comp is not guaranteed, and avoid submitting requests, especially for small stuff like losing a loadout to a server crash (if it happens, that is *fingers crossed*). If you want to help, play a bit of S2 tonight to help give 'er a decent day 1 stress test! I've spent an insane amount of time on this system over the past 4 months or so to try and get our server performance up to a livable level, so thank you for pardoning my dust as we work on rolling this out to production workloads!
  8. Hello! When Server 2 opens today (8pm EDT), it will be running a very new experimental I/O backend we've written from scratch over the past couple of months. We've done this as an attempt to improve the less-than-desireable server performance we've been seeing at high population levels over the past while.

    While we're not expecting any issues, due to this being quite the experiment, with changes to database interaction/logging, and other core components, YMMV with respect to receiving comp if things are just completely crashing. Obviously, admin staff may pity you if it's something huge, but please understand that comp is not guaranteed, and avoid submitting requests, especially for small stuff like losing a loadout to a server crash (if it happens, that is *fingers crossed*).

    If you want to help, play a bit of S2 tonight to help give 'er a decent day 1 stress test!

    I've spent an insane amount of time on this system over the past 4 months or so to try and get our server performance up to a livable level, so thank you for pardoning my dust as we work on rolling this out to production workloads!

    1. Heritage


      DevOps team often never see the appreciation from the client side stakeholders.


      Thank you for working on this as performance has been a pain point of playing on Olympus since I've been here. Optimizing backend architecture (More so that you likely didn't write and probably wasn't commented) is a bitch. 


      Congrats on reaching your beta deployment and to a hopeful successful go live!

  9. EDIT: We are working on it.
  10. Yea you can hear which rebel a hatchback coming in to bottleneck went towards while sitting on window, so it's pretty good.
  11. Hello, if you are on the Profiling branch of ArmA, they released a broken version of it this morning, and you will see no map markers, and vehicles pulled from most garages will not properly spawn. To prevent this for now, please just downgrade to the 2.08.v00 version of the profiling/performance branch via the official Bohemia google drive for it here.


  12. Look what happens when ya put in bug reports! RE: rangefinders - Uhhh no I didn't know rangefinders were fucked as well. put another bug report in and I'll remember to do it.
  13. If your ISP is CenturyLink, and you're having issues connecting to the Teamspeak or the Olympus servers, please complain to CenturyLink. This is a failure somewhere in their routing right now, and there's little we can do about it from our side.

    This is affecting me too and I've love for them to get off their bums 🙂

    EDIT - This has somewhat been resolved. CenturyLink's routing has been repaired to a pre-outage state, but is still abismal for latency performance. Using a VPN in my area that was connected to the comcast backbone resulted in a 30% drop in ping, meaning that while the routing they're doing is now working, it is still very sub-par for midwest centurylink customers trying to reach OVH servers. If you experience similar symptoms, please still reach out to them, as multiple complaints is the only way this likely-easily-resolvable issue will get enough traction to be looked at on their end.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. buckie


      Just use the google DNS server should  fix the issue

    3. codeYeTi


      @ buckie @ MAV DNS server swap will not resolve this one. The issue (now was) since it's somewhat resolved, an actual problem with the routing of traffic to those given ranges of IP addresses. The IPs were being resolved correctly by the DNS servers, but the traffic could not get to the actual IP addresses that the domain names resolved to.

      Side note - do not use Google public DNS if you can avoid it. Letting an advertising firm know every domain name that you resolve is giving up a good amount of data to a company that really just doesn't need more. Companies like cloudflare (operating free DNS servers on, 2606:4700:4700::1001, and similar pairing for would be a better choice simply due to the fact that their business proposition lies at least moreso outside of the realm of exploiting the collection of personal data. Your DNS provider is always going to be getting a good amount of information about your browsing habits, so might as well choose a company that is more focused on other aspects of it's business than selling your data.

      To each their own in that regard, but that's my 2c on using Google as a DNS provider. (Goes for using them as your ISP as well, though if they're the best offering in your area then I guess there's no way around that one).

    4. MAV


      That's odd that a single ISP would have routing issues that didn't cause mass outages, but 🤷‍♂️

  14. Look, I found a little baby @snipez picture

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Decimus


      @ Clash red cpl uniform on top

    3. Mighty
    4. snipeZ


      The red uniform was the best no cap.

  15. I wrote a lot of the disputes system on the in-game side, and making sure that the right player(s) were in the list without it's size being completely unmanageable took a few tricks. After talking to you in game yesterday, I identified at least one way that one's name would not show up, and a resolution is being worked on. As with any new system, there are a few kinks to work out after the first pass. If someone was in game, and you try to submit a dispute against them immediately thereafter, their name should be present; if it's not, then we'll get that fixed. The likely cause of nigh all of the incidences of a player's name being missing from the creation menu has been identified, and a fix is in the works. It's important to remember, though, that disputes were designed to be submitted relatively close to the time of the incident, akin to a "wtf rdm" text from yesteryear, but with the ability to include recently disconnected players in possible recipients. I agree this selection style still isn't perfect, and hearing things like this can help improve it While not ideal, even in it's current state, the player's last seen time is shown on the following screen when you're filling in a Subject and Description; this would at least allow you to tell whether or not you selected the correct one at that stage. I agree that some way of displaying that info on the initial selection menu would be nice, I just didn't find a decent way to do it in a compact enough manner on this first pass. I'll play with a few things and see if we could come up with a decent way to display that earlier without cluttering the list making it even harder to read / sort through. Before they were separated by faction, it was even harder to find people when the list was super full. I definitely agree adding more hints like that could help.
  16. Why do we play this crap game v2.0


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Im with skys seems like you got outgamed by weed field

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Tempest didn't even explode. 3/10

    4. codeYeTi


      Ooops sorry what I meant was


      why do we do this. everyone playing is a masochist, including me

  17. Retracted since apparently I don't know how to tag people on the forums
  18. That would explain it. The OVH issues on S1 before we switched back would explain that.
  19. I could just be nuts, but I feel like the frequency with which I see the latter is much greater now than two years ago. Would be interesting to see the actual root cause if anyone from BI ever gets to the bottom of it.
  20. Sometimes I don't even know why we play this PoS game 😂


  21. Congrats on another role you can be inactive in @ Decimus

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