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Everything posted by Google

  1. It's not complicated.. Literally it's only used for crafting at the vehicle crafting place.
  2. Serenity has fallen apart @Noliver @Skrood @Savage

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    2. Bloodmoon


      If you think Majed hits people off as a "Joke" you are delusional.

    3. Google


      @Bloodmoon he really does ddos because it’s funny but I don’t see it funny only he does. For example I was playing fort nite with cougar when he hit me off for 30 seconds I came back and thought nothing of it lost connection again for 30 second and he tells me my ISP is having problems because someone is hitting it with a botnet. Like he’s crazy lol

    4. Noliver


      Fake news. Majed dosent ddos

  3. Uhm just look at them and their name will float above their head. You’re welcome.
  4. Heard people in some gangs have been talking shit about my life... apparently ppl I don’t even know. If you don’t know me keep my name out of ya mouth...

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    1. hawk


      How did you find out I was shit talking you? :lol:

  5. @buckie with a 7 day for racism... what happened?

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    1. Vcx


      I mean google its buckie….. You can't expect less.

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      If I was to guess I would say he was being racist ;D

  6. Mommy and Dady take away my computer? I'm fucking replying to you on my computer... k.
  7. Shut up faggot retard
  8. Dude, you're a dumb fucking monkey. Found a picture of you retard.
  9. Medic @Xlax is back!!! Windows key for life!

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    1. NokiaStrong


      But you’re civ rep

    2. JAMIE


      did you see how precise he healed that guy seems kinda fishy 

    3. Xlax


      keep it on the low my dude @Jamie

  10. Last time we fought you all you guys did was cry and say you won't fight us because we have a shed on S2 for fighting.
  11. Dude, you are in Trident I believe. LIKE WTFFFF YOU GUYS ONLY FIGHT COPS THEN CRY ABOUT IT WHEN YOU LOSE! Shit player btw
  12. Keep trying to shoot cops, bot
  13. You're in a gang called Apollo, shit gang, makes sense for a shit player. Sit bot
  14. It’s a game... and yet you’re going around saying he’s not breaking the law, there’s no copyright. Like what are you on about lol
  15. Then we all (at least myself) no longer care
  16. No one ever said it was illegal or that he broke a law... wtf are you on about? Legit not a single person said it was illegal. Stay in school.
  17. No one cared enough? I would’ve done it in a heart beat but I don’t run Olympus so I didn’t see it as my call to make so I just waited for mcdili to talk to staff
  18. @Proxii just accept it no one wants deadpool to own the steam group and I’m sorry I don’t make any of my other ideas public because I fear being lynched because of them. I came up with the daily challenge idea and many more I just don’t seek attention from people like deadpool. I’m not out here making a poll asking if people would like to spend 10 hours or 1 hour in jail (this is an exaggerated example)
  19. And let's say something doesn't go Deadpool's way, he could easily use the group that contains hundreds of people to spread false information. It's not just because it's the a Steam Group as well imo it's the fact that it's something in relation to Olympus so he not being a Staff position (Someone who manages Olympus) in Olympus makes no sense he'd manage a Steam Group for Olympus.
  20. Yeah I mean I spoke to mcdili about the steam group already but he said he wanted to ask if any staff would be interested in managing it. So nothing really happened then I saw this. Don’t really agree with deadpool owning the steam group either.
  21. Im finally free to post once again! No new forum ban!!

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  22. After a while of thinking The Google CQC Administration Team sees it in their best interest to swear @thor. into Deputy Civ Rep position.

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  23. @hawk keep talkin' shit fam and you're gonna have to read that book I sent you.

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    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Savage


      @hawk is the meanest Canadian!!!!! Doesn't care about my social life :Kappa:

    3. hawk


        On 5/18/2018 at 11:51 PM, Savage said:

      @hawk is the meanest Canadian!!!!! Doesn't care about my social life :Kappa:


      Not my fault you call me on snapchat asking me to say sorry :bender-dance:

    4. Savage


      @hawk maybe if u say it i would stop u mean canadian


  24. Google


    Is it toxic to spread the truth? Is it toxic? Is it? Really, is it?
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