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Everything posted by TheRealKyle

  1. hey thanks for corporal xd its been a good year go on into a nice career of meme creating
  2. hug urself
  3. cringe
  4. UP AT 4 AM FOR BLACK FRIDAY ITS LIT FAM. jk kill me i hate being an adult

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RambleR


      Sold 3000 poinsettia in under 30 mins. people are crazy

    3. Phizx


      1 hour ago, RambleR said:

      Sold 3000 poinsettia in under 30 mins. people are crazy

      Isnt that a plant? KEK

    4. RambleR


      Is it, like i said people are crazy :)

      I work with them flowers

  5. As i get ready to go to my 3rd and final Thanksgiving dinner today, just wanna wish everyone here a happy day! <3

    1. Fedot


      wat? u alright bruh?

    2. TheRealKyle


      1 minute ago, Fedot said:

      wat? u alright bruh?


    3. Fedot


      u never nice why dafuq u being nice.... and why final

      fuck i bit the bait

  6. started scrollling slowly then realized my playlist has 392 songs. GL fam
  7. tbf Immunity were favorites and MC lost to VX
  8. i personally think best of 1's are gay and best of 3's mean a lot more but saying a best of 1 is unfair is kinda dumb
  10. MC won congrats but we can please fight at a cartel cap next gang wars???

    1. Peter Long
    2. TheRealKyle


      1 minute ago, Peter Long said:


      if u need help with how to run it to make people actually push HMU

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      LOL I gotchu fam! 

  11. // is back for gang wars, but fighting for who? :thinking: HYPE BOYS

    1. Symfuhny


      Ill just let everyone know // is fighting for the best gang (VX)

    2. Augustus
    3. T3x4sSl4y3r1776


      Will meth drive us into a rock and die again? find out on the next episode of gang wars

  12. @Jesse Can we make it so when we lethal someone on cop there bounty clears instantly and we get money instantly after we lethal them? feel like it'd fix every problem we have with not getting lethal money.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peta


      @Jesse if you have any chance, it would be great if you could add some cash if you send bones to jail. Tipically kavala rdm-ers with 1-2-3-400k bounty, dc on taze / restraints..


    3. Bruhar


      @Peta that would promote people to send bones to jail even if they Dc'ed people are most likely not going to give them a chance to get in and turn there self's in they would just send the bones to get the money. All I'm saying is that it would be abused.

    4. Brennan


      10 minutes ago, Bruhar said:

      @Peta that would promote people to send bones to jail even if they Dc'ed people are most likely not going to give them a chance to get in and turn there self's in they would just send the bones to get the money. All I'm saying is that it would be abused.

      If you disconnect while in restraints for any reason, with out telling the officer before and him agreeing to it, you should go to jail. It leaves less room for favoritism.

  13. khabib is a fuckin monster

  14. " yeah fuck that obama guy giving people free health care and ending the war in Iraq who the hell does he think he is! " Look up any research on the subject and all you'll see is that all obamacare accomplished was raising everyones insurance costs. I'm a normal middle class citizen and I should not have to pay 72% more for health insurance that I don't even use but now its required that i have it? It's really a big joke.
  15. Giving people free healthcare? Are you fucking retarded? My family's premium increased by 72% this last year, Obamacare is the single worst thing obama put into affect. Please do some fucking research.
  16. Thank god the Leftists can finally leave like they've been saying they would. BYE!!

  17. u play asylum more then u play olympus you shouldn't be able to play in olympus events >mfw
  18. is this a troll or u just tryna throat some cock, cant really tell
  19. We live in a world where our 2 President Candidates are both being investigated for criminal activity. X FUCKING DEE

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ham


      31 minutes ago, Linka said:

      my favorite quote "I would hate to see what would happen if Trump was in office." "Yeah you would, you'd be in prison."

      You didn't even quote it right. #ruinedmoment

    3. Linka
    4. TheRealKyle


      @Moose Trump University, unless the investigation was closed it was my understanding that it was still an ongoing trial.

      The organization was not an accredited university or college. It did not confer college credit, grant degrees, or grade its students.[4] In 2011, the company became the subject of an inquiry by the New York Attorney General's office for illegal business practices that resulted in a lawsuit filed in 2013, which remains ongoing.

      Taken from wikipedia, don't know a lot about it but regardless its still an investigation.

  20. when did everyone become professionals in no recoil scripts people us that phrase like they get paid to do it

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DeNiaL


      I play mostly with wrist movements rather than actually using my entire mouspad like pro cs players thats why I like high sense

    3. TheRealKyle


      @McDili clearly an imposter

      and the rest of you xd


    1. Goodman


      In some possible way, this could have maybe not been a not so bad song. Its like if Lil Uzi mixed with hentai.

  22. Today marks one year straight as a corporal...Time flies.

    1. Vincent Jacobs

      Vincent Jacobs

      who got permed at worlds? that clip was confusing asf

    2. TheRealKyle


      He was reffering to someone saying that if you say "kys" to someone you should be perm banned no questions asked

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