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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. No reason why they couldn't just cuff the guy while he was laying down tbh
  2. I'm fine with that, personally if I'm not on the TS server then I'm either not home or I don't want to get messaged.
  3. Only thing discord has over teamspeak is no IP access.
  4. When someone taking a PO test has the handbook open on the forums and doesn't get caught


  5. Use this https://olympus-entertainment.com/olympus-stats/top.php
  6. Is community coordinator a meme?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DashTonic


      44 minutes ago, bigSMOKE said:

      ye but what they do

      Exspand to different games and events  stuff like that

    3. ItsGG


      Yay more titles for kiddies to flex!

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      It provides the same value as support team

  7. Except last time you never gave the winner any money
  8. Just get cop, in 1 week I went from 3 mil to 70 mil.
  9. Suggestion: Show title names under locked titles, or make a spreadsheet showing all titles and requirements.

    1. drama


      Suggestion: rope

    2. MAV


      Just grey out the ones that are locked

    3. Orgondo


      @DeadPooL someone said Spreadsheet

  10. Sorry, he doesn't have that hawk anymore
  11. Who ruined all my work and set @KrispyK's rep to 420?

    1. Montez


      oof that sucks vro

    2. Orgondo


      Sound the Tree alarm


    3. KrispyK
  12. Plague hawk down :pog:

    1. sped


      10+ titans and 45 minutes later:pog:

      keep it up!

    2. SPBojo


      "we can just do a fed and buy that back"
      "Tree cant complete feds"

    3. sped


      imagine making such a big deal about this

      please dont talk shit

  13. Tormented Psycho scripts during bets, change my mind :4head:

  14. Removing your bid of 4m to get me to buy it
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