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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. Better than 2 dead servers.
  2. Dev team does NOT abuse their power.

  3. Hearing footsteps alone is not a reason to engage a person.
  4. e20eafe5806e6c3f7d18844fd6f832f7.png

    11:48AM EST

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      If we delete both servers we could populate the real world

    3. JuanDeaged


      Smartest thing would be to stop wasting your time 

    4. swrvy
  5. Did you spend like 5 min thinking of this?
  6. 🙏 But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. 🙏

    Isaiah 40:31

    1. Jerrod


      Yes brother! Preach!!!!

      I love you brother

  7. Remove the popups when you load in that make you go to 20 fps thanks.
  8. Reminder:

    1 poppin server > 2 dead servers

    1. thomaslorddd


      i agree aslong as conquest is hosted s2

  9. Keep the 1 server up with 150 slots, that shit was fun.

  10. Bloodmoon


    Man, noble really is the most retarded gang there is now.
  11. Just nerf cops more, that will surely bring in more players.
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