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Status Replies posted by Bloodmoon

  1. Give s2 the s3 treatment and close it during nonpeak hours.

    1. Bloodmoon


      @SPBojo Again, doesn't matter to me which server is closed during nonpeak hours, it just needs to happen.

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  2. Give s2 the s3 treatment and close it during nonpeak hours.

    1. Bloodmoon




      Which server would you join if you were a new player and knew nothing about the servers?

      Which server would you join if you were looking for people to fight?

      Which server would you join if you were looking for people at all?

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  3. Give s2 the s3 treatment and close it during nonpeak hours.

    1. Bloodmoon


      Just now, Monks said:

      Only issue is kids would be upset about they're horses and gang sheds 😭😭

      Server wouldn't be perm closed, only during nonpeak hours.

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  4. Give s2 the s3 treatment and close it during nonpeak hours.

    1. Bloodmoon


      3 minutes ago, MarveL said:

      Having one server is not gonna help your server get more players js. 

      Why would someone want to play on a server with 30 people? Even if it doesn't help get more players it's still better to have your pop on 1 server than across 2 servers.

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  5. Give s2 the s3 treatment and close it during nonpeak hours.

    1. Bloodmoon


      idc which server is closed during nonpeak hours, one of them should def be because it's not fun playing a server with like 30 people during nonpeak hours.

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  6. Does anyone have some ideas for the server that they want discussed in the next civilian council meeting?

  7. close s2 until we can actually reach 100 players 

  8. lets fucking go boys https://gyazo.com/9b48d666e7e5436c2098360bfa596918

    all by following the gambling handbook by @i chop hatchbacks

  9. lets fucking go boys https://gyazo.com/9b48d666e7e5436c2098360bfa596918

    all by following the gambling handbook by @i chop hatchbacks

  10. Yo im starting a oly minecraft realm drop your username if you wanna get on wit the boys. No randys allowed

  11. https://gyazo.com/aef99567955625e6db6fc5933332b143 You accepting plague applications @Zahzi ? You could show them a few things

  12. happy birthday @Viper .50cal planes soon 🥰

  13. c8f423e2660c8774b8250ce93396d7c8.gif

    40 armed planes 

  14. Does anyone agree with the abolishing police movement? If so, why? From what I’ve read instead of law enforcement it’s “if someone kills someone, let’s go over why they did it and help them :)” type of thing, which there isn’t ALWAYS a reason people do the things they do. It just sounds like the purge waiting to happen. 

  15. t4 on bw vehicles needs to be removed ASAP

  16. Why is @Zurph still banned @Ryan come on big dog

    1. Bloodmoon


      11 minutes ago, Jerrod said:

      I have made 10x more money than you in my lifetime and I am 15

      So uh, what do you do?

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  17. Going against years of precedence and what you said during staff meetings seems to be your strong suit @destruct

  18. @Bloodmoon Damn bruh, they really been hittin u hard with deleting those status updates lol

  19. @ChillX stop thinking about me i won't meet up with you at the boys and girls club like your fake e girlfriend you werido d6ffeaca2c7d7df6c310ec5cc99939d3.png

  20. Yes, Headless and Kamikaze, I am very throrougly informed of the rules and do not wish to break any more so I can be apart of Olympus. It seems you have some personal qualm against me for a reason that is unknown to me. The rules should be enforced through the official Olympus Guidelines and Rules; not personal feelings or opinions. You seem very hostile toward me and have been from the beginning when I have been cooperative and willing to make amends. 

    Also doesn't make you look any better to mob up on me with people who weren't invovled in the situation. 

  21. The current state of America just makes me feel sad man

  22. @ChillX stop thinking about me i won't meet up with you at the boys and girls club like your fake e girlfriend you werido d6ffeaca2c7d7df6c310ec5cc99939d3.png

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