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Everything posted by Vcx

  1. I guess I wasn't wrong sad that they still got shit on all the time zzz not surprised have fun ban evading 

  2. Hey guys let's host an Olympus praying session hosted by @Jerrod he can send the times but hope to see you all there! He will cleanse your souls and let you learn to forgive! I know @Masoooooooooon will be there

    1. Jerrod


      I cannot cleanse anyone's soul. I can only lead them to the Man that can, Jesus.

    2. Masonn


      Unfortunately Jerrod has advised i have committed the unforgivable Sin so i cannot be attending.

    3. Jerrod


      I am not even hosting a prayer meeting so you guys can just ignore these two guys having fun picking at me trying to spread love. There is clearly a nerve or truth that I have struck in you guys, because look how you are acting.

  3. @Masoooooooooon I expect nothing less

  4. @Parker R I love you very much but you are going to get smacked in MC just like in arma https://gyazo.com/43b1fcaae44ba8c12989bb2cae2a0ac9

  5. @Phizx happy birthday bro you're a real one

  6. @last u da homie homes love you

  7. @E Dog how you going to have 500 hours on CQC and still be trash 

    1. Monks


      @E Dog is top dog frit ripper

  8. Vcx


    love you @vedalkenn always been the boy for years and hope you continue to be my friend thanks for the good times
  9. @Masoooooooooon happy birthday fellow lawler leader can't wait for protector tage 275

    1. Masonn


      Thanks Lawler Vac

  10. Vcx

    how 2 stream

    @Jerrod I found your younger brother
  11. You guys really shoudn't have given everyone a clean slate for bans because now everyone is just running everyone over during conquests and killing them knowing they're getting a 1 day 

  12. @Zurph when do the gangs and people get their money and warpoints from gang wars

    1. Zurph


      ill get on it now, i have been busy last couple days sorry.

    2. Vcx


      @Zurph its aight its just a game lol, I was just wondering cuz there wasn't a specific date I wasn't aware of and other people were asking 

  13. zzz how you gon make a typhoon tage with only singles 

    1. Monks


      ong niggaaaaa

  14. Vcx


    bruh how is hoco still a thing for your school
  15. Is there a way you guys can add more to the Conquests Stats page. For Example like player with most kills in conquests in the past week or idk more stuff like that like GTA has it 

  16. @buckie I missed you this gang wars I needed my main commentator 

    1. buckie


      I was barred from entry

  17. Free Chumleee

  18. Fix the conquest or no one is going to play it 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Civak


      clearly you are mentally deficient

      i will pray for you 🙏

    3. Vcx


      @Civak you are a bot ahahah clueless that im making you so mad rn you make yourself look like a bigger idiot

    4. Civak
  19. grandpa mur
  20. @Bloodmoon and his brother @Civak still camping rebels in warzone to ruin fights not surprised that the sped brothers are together

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Revise


      Stop dying and you wouldn’t have to re-gear

    3. Vcx


      Wasn't me I havent died you fat retard go chase after more e-girls 

    4. Kedar
  21. rest easy hope you guys alright and sucks that never came across him he seemed like a great guy
  22. Didn't realize that this @Bloodmoon kid would start crying when he gets killed by the same people that are shooting at him for 5 mins so he can't get my bounty for camping bottleneck in warzone

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Reformed Skrood

      Reformed Skrood

      true , make it so vigins cant camp gang sheds around warzone area / therisa , always killing fights

    3. silton


      5 minutes ago, Vcx said:

      @Silton I have no idea what you're talking about in the first place and you are in DB the biggest rat gang that reports everyone for everything so just stop talking you're defending braindead bloodmoon

      Fuck bloodmoon and every ratty thing he does but for me to take you serious you gotta practice what you preach. Don't call people out for being a rat when you kids are fucking cancer patients.

    4. Vcx


      @Silton that's a hypocritical statement when DB does the exact same ratty things literally 1-2 people do in TP, DB was on the meta on reporting everything people do long before warzone and still do it just because DB isn't as active doesn't mean they get a freebee for being ratty because they are a dead gang if you're going to camp gang sheds during fights and camp bottleneck for "a few warpoints" I wouldn't blame someone for reporting you for something retarded because you're ruining their time as much as they ruin yours 

  23. @Kedar You knew me when you were broke bitch, you're still broke

  24. Don't get why shitty staff on this server are so lazy headless has to do everything so everything gets put on him either shit or good its actually amazing how lazy staff are on this server and no one is going to continue doing events if they keep going the way they are going 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zahzi


      1 hour ago, Masoooooooooon said:

      Surely some other staff are able to run the conquests and events from time to time.

      You'd think that might be the case, but when I ran them, it was like pulling teeth to find anyone other than @Cyanide or @Headless to run it if I had something else going on. Pretty unfortunate tbh 😞 
      We have plans to automate it pretty soon, so that'll take some of the administrative load from it.

    3. JuanDeaged


      Why are they staff if they don’t want to help out on the server @Zahzi?

  25. @Ryan I made you proud I taught house a lesson

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