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Everything posted by Zurph

  1. When is the next gang wars?

    1. hawkg


      ask @ WALT scribble has been given the green light just needs community manager 

    2. Jaster
  2. Congrats on second place today HOG. #keephogging

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proud
    3. Zurph


      dude chill it was just a prank no need to put up a picture of my house. 

    4. JordanBeatCoivd


      Cringe get a life bro

  3. tp staying on top
  4. rip, was a real one.
  5. Zurph


    Respect the grind u gave for APD and Staff, u grinded for that shit for a long ass time.
  6. hey @ Mako

    1. Mako


      hey man, heard your weren't feeling so well from @ WALT hope you're doing alright.

    2. Zurph


      nah, he came over to my server and instantly got sent to jail. could not even make it out of rebel.

  7. house camping sim tonight

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. genesis


      @ monsterr thats just not true at all

    3. monster


      @ genesis  if thats genuinly what you think you are stupider than I thought, not only alts and non conquest players voting, but you also have players such as @ Alistairr  and @ vedalkenn  who are currently unable to play the server that are voting.

      It can be aids at first but you do get used to it, and it is far better than old smoke when you do.

    4. genesis


      @ monsterr  subtract those people from all of the polls and its still in favor of reverting it. Most of the votes are made up of active players.

  8. (make it something interesting, its boring every year) @ Ryan thanks for letting me win
  9. @ Mako  u were a big hit during the asylum meeting today congrats

    1. buckie


      The rivalry that spans servers. 

  10. @ WALT  stop getting your gang to let you boost off them. war kills can not mean that much to you.

    1. WALT


      ? You’re retarded 😂😂😂

  11. old mutt
  12. Zurph

    Help Pls

    yeah, this is suppose to be a secret idiot.
  13. Still coming out with updates full of cop shit and no civ stuff. Server is truly ran by the APD.
  14. hell yeah, go off dude!
  15. omg @ DABESTeva  back on the arma scene!

    1. DABESTeva



    2. Peterr


      he never left 😆

  16. best gang wars ever dude!
  17. they finally think about changing this lame ass rule and u guys vote no? all of you that voted no need to jump off a bridge.
  18. Zurph

    Tanoa Life

    to good to be true
  19. would not be a gang wars if that was the case, the gangs that will win this only play for conquest.
  20. Only specific people will be screen sharing and during these screen shares no one will be looking through any files.
  21. lmao
  22. Everyone (besides staff) has said there needs to be a bigger pay out. we have been saying it for months now and it has not happened and from what i hear its not going to happen. If they wont fix money and everyone participating thinks there should be more money, why would people waste their time on trying to provide more ideas if they wont fix that?
  23. Only people that should get money is the people that are on at finish of the conquest, and change the percentages per placement. SFA got 1.5 mil and they did not even place thats like 600k less then us and we won. Im assuming you helped put this together on how defensive you are getting at people that talk shit about this https://gyazo.com/31f46889579c8db3ff87ab13a8fe02af. you should probably look at this pay out situation as if you were coming from another server and you are trying olympus cartel life out. but your not, you are playing with the devs and you have been on the server for like 4 years so you dont have to worry about money. I have also heard you bragging multiple times in my discord on how zahzi gives you money and pulls frits for you. So please mr Civilian council, try looking at this in a different stand point.
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