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Blog Comments posted by Ryan

  1. On 6/12/2022 at 5:27 PM, Siltonious Milton II said:

    Devs work for free they can do what they feel.


    10 hours ago, proud said:

     "theyre volunteered not payed"

    yo idk who is spreading this 🧢 but I fish out a disgusting amount of money paying out people every month, this last payout alone made me want to cry since I gave out a bit extra then normal due to how well we did last month. I SHALL NOT TAKE THIS SLANDER SMH

    That is all 🙂 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    • Kreygasm 1
  2. Roundtable Summary 2020-10-11

    50 minutes ago, Vigi easy money said:

    So i could just sit in the roulette screen and not die/taze that's broken af 

    There will be rules in place for this when its released. 

    For example, if you get engaged and run in there just to avoid being killed, you would get banned.

    If your wanted and go there to avoid engagement etc

  3. 21 hours ago, Noahhh! said:

    Nobody was forced to use the casino. The casino was never marketed to the community as a money generator. It was precisely marketed as a normal close-to-reality casino, which is a business that makes money for itself, hence why the house always wins.

    Even in my video, hatchbacks lost all his money. Lol

    I don't understand how people are surprised that they lost money at A CASINO, a place actually designed to make money off the people there, which doesn't happen if the casino is HANDING OUT money.


    I think we actually made the odds better then an IRL casino, considering that in an IRL casino you almost always leave negative unless you are one lucky asshole. With the one in game you still got a chance to win, the only difference between this and coinflip is that if you lose the money goes into thin air as opposed to another player.

  4. New stats page (beta)

    5 hours ago, Monks said:

    So when we are putting in our hours for cop we will immediately know when we have enough for the week?

    Also will the bans page be updated to show all our previous bans? Or just ones from now on?


    The bans tab currently shows your status on a ban. It won’t show you your ban history right now, it will only tell you if you are currently banned/show you the evidence of the ban. 

  5. New stats page (beta)

    Just now, Mighty said:

    Why not every restart?

    @Zahzi got a better insight on this then I do. I know the SR&R Requested to do theirs once a week, this way they can keep the “surprise factor” in their weekly posts for it. As for APD honest answer is I don’t know. It is possible we changed it back to a nightly basis, or kept it as is. Gonna have to wait for zahzi to answer that one. 

  6. New stats page (beta)

    23 minutes ago, Mighty said:

    Nice work. Will times for each faction update any better to make it easier to know if you made your times for cop/medic?

    Also how often does it update because it has a name like three name changes ago?

    Believe it updates once a week. 

    22 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

    "YoU aReN't To Be TrUsTeD aS a WeB dEv"

    "I cAn HaNdLe AlL tHe WeB dEv ReLaTeD sTuFf"


    Jesus man - this is fucking good. A billions times better than that test LC shit way back when. 

    Yeah, told you this before I was even owner. 

    2 minutes ago, Mr GOAT said:

    man, @Ryan must have some very large carrots for this kinda content

    Indeed carrot boy was debating on doing it, I told him to 719VNC2Ml0L._AC_SX425_.jpg

    With new players coming on, wanted to get as much content out as possible to make them want to stay. Rather release something that’s already functioning and have zahzi work on it little by little, as opposed to just releasing it all at once. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Deluxe said:

    imagine donating thousands to the server and just getting banned from everything like he never existed. I talked to him after that all happened and he told me he was wrongly accused.  and he cant lie that's against the quran.

    Yeah im guessing nobody showed you the evidence then 😛 

    Also fun fact he didnt donate thousands. @SPBojo Gave him his donations, and then took them back after he was banned. 

    • Like 1
  8. 13 hours ago, TheHeroNoob said:

    Who's dumbass idea was it to remove the R&R discounts? There is no point in removing the discount it just makes saving people way more expensive if you end up losing your vehicle. A lot of new players become EMTs to earn a little extra cash but now with the discounts gone it's tough. 

    You are aware medics were not getting one, but double discounts with a title and rank they had. Medics still get discounts based off their title, all we removed was the additional static one that was sitting there for each rank.

    • Hmm 1
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