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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. On 4/30/2022 at 2:46 PM, Strafe said:

    i was under the impression peter also got it for $0 but i rlly dont remember much from the time especially cus i wasn't close with many staff. Either way anyone saying anything over 20k is smoking meth.

    You would be surprised with the offers other servers/people have given me ever since the release of Oly+ lol

  2. Gonna miss you as a staff member buddy, had a lot of fun times both in and out of Olympus ❤️ 

    I don’t need to go into this whole paragraph cause you always been a real one and already know about all the times we had, wether it was late night, or all nighters just talking and not realizing the time passing. Don’t be a stranger, and im sure you know you can hit me up for anything so I don’t even need to get into that. 

    Was a pleasure my dude


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  3. 7 minutes ago, [OP4] Dominic said:

    Any chance you dudes could open this up to the public? Maybe using a “lastLoginedIn” datetime paired with the name would help. Like if the person hasn’t logged into the server in the past 14 days then they don’t appear in the search. It would help with the duplicates.

    Pretty sure Zahzi had another good reason to not make it public. Not sure though, but I can imagine he would of done it by now if he didnt have any issues.

  4. 4 hours ago, JD Connor said:

    Personally I have my opinions on this system. 

    On one hand, they literally make it impossible and give 0 incentive to report a player and they are making it impossible.

    On the other, it gives someone the chance to get a resolution before even escalating to staff (but let’s be real who actually has had a successful dispute yet)


    I just think it needs revamping and this should NOT be a requirement to submit a player report. At all. It simply is staff not wanting to do their job. Just cause a dispute wasn’t opened, doesn’t mean the rules suddenly changed? So why can’t the report be processed, who knows?

    Funny enough, ill be the first to admit the admins and mods were the first group of people to fight against the dispute systems, because of the exact reasons you are listing. They prefer to deal with the ticket and not be accused of being lazy. It was the seniors that kind of just... did it. Adjustments obviously have to be made as its a new system but thats natural with anything new we will announce. I will say, looking at the numbers, out of 1,445 disputes that have already been submitted, there is roughly a ~66% resolve rate through disputes. Thats roughly ~900 bans that were either avoided or reduced. Long term think about how that effects population on our servers. My numbers can 100% be off, but this was just at the quick glance I had.

    4 hours ago, [OP4] Dominic said:

    I think it's extremely pointless to comp someone if a player can still report. I can get comp for what I lost and then report the person. I definitely think a moderator/admin should take into consideration punishing players if comp was received.

    Also, it would be helpful to have information like their Steam ID on the disputes.  I disputed one guy and he said "I don't have enough money..." I eventually found him on the stats page (lacking a search by name feature) and he had more than enough money to comp.  I never escalated it to staff.

    Everything is logged on our end, even if you cant find their steam id, we 100% can. Doesnt matter if they have a forum profile or not. A dispute is looked at during player reports, and if comp was received its very likely they will not be punished, however it is a case by case basis. As for the search name feature, it actually does exist but for people within life control only. Reason being is because there is so many duplicate names it would be just as hard to find with that name as it is without a PID if not worse. Also this post below says it best:

    4 hours ago, Poon said:

    ok, im not staff but when a staff member is looking at a player report they also look at the dispute and if they go in there and see that the player being reported comped a reasonable amount of money then chances are they arent going to get banned.

    Disputes have the players names in there which can easily be used to find steam/forums profiles and then player ID's to put into the stats page.




    4 hours ago, coopacarp said:

    Actually if you both agree to accepting comp and you still report the player, they can very easily show staff you agreed to accepting compensation and they will not be punished. If you comp them without agreement then that's your fault for assuming throwing money around will keep you out of trouble.

    I appreciate the response however you haven't really given any input that is new/helpful. I already mentioned that I am aware of the time in which I have to submit a dispute on said person and I am very aware I made a mistake which consequently made it so he is no longer on my dispute list but the question is does me making a mistake that prohibits me filing a dispute mean that I do not deserve to be comped or that player that blatantly broke rules doesn't deserve a possible ban or whatever punishment? My simple mistake shouldn't cost me so much especially when the player was blatantly trolling (I can show the vid if you would like). 

    Im sure if you sent a PM to the denying staff member, or asked for an escalation in your case certain exceptions can be made. This is not a promise on my end for comp, but it sounds like if the situation is really scuffed against you, the staff team is more then capable of handling it if necessary.


    4 hours ago, [OP4] Dominic said:

    Yeah man out of the four people I was trying to hunt down for the dispute only one had a forum account and the forum account was barren.  No steam ID on their forum account.  The other three don't have a forum account to my knowledge, and their steam names were not the same as their in-game names.  I think a simple "search by name" feature on the stats page would more than suffice!  I'd gladly volunteer myself to write the feature into the website.  Open that ish up for me to make a pull request and I'll get it done when I can.

    Read my statement above about the search name feature.


    1 hour ago, coopacarp said:

    Damn man why you gotta make it public, they're gonna found a way around that ;( lmao

    A lot of my disputes have been solved or I got told to fuck myself and they got banned, I just don't think you should be required to dispute every single time you want to report someone. There should be special circumstances where you aren't forced to dispute. I have no idea when I will be able to report the guy that VDM'd me because I guarantee he changed his name or just doesn't get on often. So that's a pretty big flaw they gotta work on because it allows people that break rules to get off free

    Every report/dispute is a case by case basis. We just want to see a dispute being placed to see that there's at least effort being put in to resolve your issue and not a witch hunt for a ban.

    • Like 6
  5. In case you missed the live stream, here are our winners:



    If you won please try and get in touch with me on discord via a support ticket on there or a support ticket on the forums.

    Will be running some Discord giveaways, so make sure you are in there as its easier then rolling from the damn forums 🙂 

    • Like 13
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  6. 3 hours ago, Tarquanda said:

    aint no way, i went to make a ban appeal and I seen a fat ass ad before my tickets, never seen that before


    2 hours ago, Millennium said:

    it seems that ads have just gotten worse over time. Used to be the little box at the bottom, now there is a whole ass footer add that covers like 1/8 of your chrome. 

    I turned ad blocker back on because of it.

    Wasnt even aware of this... However after seeing these comments I decided to further look into it...


    It seems google decided to start their own money farm kekw-emote-twitch.jpg Prob cause its December and thats when rev is at its highest for ads

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  7. o7 Homie. I dont think I need to go into any details about what we discussed behind the scenes months ago, whether its about IRL or Olympus. You helped me through some hard times and I hope I did the same for you. When we had to let you go the first time it was a very tough decision to make, but im glad you came back for the second time to prove people wrong. If you ever need anything from me, you know where to message me (that is when I go back to actively reading messages, currently MIA lol). Wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors, and I am sad to see you go ❤️ 

    You have definitely been one of the most active, influencial community members at the time. Involving everyone, wether its through interviews, mass recruiting, or overall Community Wiki. That little spark is what this server needed at the time, and to this day we are still doing some of the things you implemented.

    If life didnt come in the way, id definitely enjoy having our long conversations we used to have again.

    Maybe one day we can see a WTFI Ryan episode, for some old time nostalgia. Till then, 


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  8. 37 minutes ago, proud said:

    when u forget a name😢 but tbf i also talked to u ab my problems n turns out ur advice along with many others turned out to be just what i needed.❤️

    Hey man let’s not forget how many hours I spent talking to you and giving you advice on what you should look out for and do. I even stepped away from work for some of those moments. You know how to message me if you truly need me 🙂 

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