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Status Replies posted by Ryan

  1. ur so pretty man

  2. Sorry for the lateness but happy birthday @ Ryan and @ Lucien

  3. Happy birthday @ Ryan  @ Lucien  @ Lucien  Maybe if your lucky you might get a forehead picture today 😄

  4. Happy Birthday @ Ryan !!🧁🧁

  5. Happy birthday @ Ryan , thanks for paying the bills most months to keep this server running! 😂

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ Ryan  enjoy it and make it your own. Thanks for everything

  7. Haven't opened the forums in like 6 months and first thing I see is a @proud  status update. Trying again in 6 mo. 

  8. Hes just fucking with us at this point



  9. Hes just fucking with us at this point



  10. af74eb9b459a95d42b7721b939c21d5d.png
    just wanted to update my fellow olympians on behalf of my business partner @ Ryan  that the giveaway results has been postponed to tomorrow.

  11. So while on restrictions is there anyway to get comp from people or am I just meant to report anyone that breaks the rules against me

    1. Ryan


      @ Skateezy  I have done double donations last year as well lol. Its the holidays, for the last 5 years I have always been generous during the holidays, believe me Olympus is def not struggling otherwise 😛 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  12. So while on restrictions is there anyway to get comp from people or am I just meant to report anyone that breaks the rules against me

    1. Ryan


      @ Caleb Snackbar  Think of restrictions as this. Essentially any form of receiving money from other players, regardless of the scenario, is disabled. The only way you can really receive money from another player is a briefcase, and even then the actual amount of money in said briefcase is reduced from the actual amount.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)


  14. @ Ryan  you think the design team can make something special for dabest in his honor? @ ZeRo  if so I think a ifrit skin and a nice monument would be dope

  15. when staff put in new houses in kav just for them and their friend group could take them cuz 😂 

  16. I think escorts are fucked, unsure


  17. currently lost another 234 mil dollars at the casino

  18. eta on ryans retirement?

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