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Everything posted by Viper

  1. Viper

    Selling GhostHawk

    Do you accept sexual favors?
  2. 6 , 66 I know I won you Jews <3
  3. Shoot back, I’m sure they will leave you alone
  4. Yes, but the rebels are the only people that will have the option to restrain the cop and all 3 people must have a primary of some sort.
  5. Im on S2 toss me the 3 mill and I will let you rent my jet and take it for a test flight and see if you like it
  6. When there's a Blackwater and no seniors on...   https://gyazo.com/e9955ea82aafe7dc832e49f385d6228b

    1. xDRO


      haha foreal tho

    2. Fusah


      not where I live in texas :/ its just really fucking cold 

    3. Phizx


      Do it for stateeeeeee

  7. https://gyazo.com/688c197079eab66eb8a903ee3833d5cc 

    So glad you quit your job, you couldn’t have spent 200 hours of the week any other way, congrats on corp. @Last

    1. proud


      Now he's gonna make you pilot, might as well quit ur job as well ;)

    2. Ryan
    3. GhostFace


      hes already demoted swift alt f10

  8. How @Grandma Gary gets his war-points :Kappa: 


  9. When you cant afford Rocket League https://gyazo.com/9168120e7b9025e9c11d2a9a2aac20e1

    1. Orgondo


      Yall mofuckers are going to blow that damn shed up again

    2. DeadPool


      @Orgondo Wouldnt be the first time XD

    3. sin


      xd spicy meme 


  10. Damn right, just slap a box logo on there that says “G.O.A.T”, or “Christian Mingle”
  11. The new Star Wars looks amazing :Kappa: https://gyazo.com/d2810bc2989233d5a04324fd0c57ea50 

    1. ItsGG


      WOAH! And the droids ACTUALLY have bot aim! Realistic!:Kappa:

    1. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction!

      Get it right Bohemia! :Kappa:

    2. Fusah


      thats actually kinda satisfying to watch 

    1. Pledge
    2. Dangus


      LOL that was a funny moment. The right gun of the hawk is like broken and is extremely inaccurate and I couldn't hit shit with it

  12. Trident initiation, 


    1. Snare


      Why waste so much loadout money tho?

    2. Ryan


      37 minutes ago, Snare said:

      Why waste so much loadout money tho?

      Cause we ballin

    3. proud


      I love this 

  13. When you pull up to the wrong cap #GucciGang https://gyazo.com/e4e5a4a11f0a24f3c7db935558d0c1c8 
    @Augustus you're welcome.

    1. Augustus


      lmao that’s fucking sweet

  14. Just when you think things were getting hot... https://imgur.com/a/whlKA

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Viper


      1 minute ago, Augustus said:

      make Gucci ifrit :Kreygasm:

      Im on it :Kappa:

    3. EWI


      Everyone is wayyyy more hype over his shit than the trash the actual designers come out with


  15. If yall want some hmu I got limited edition... designs https://gyazo.com/005b5aabc7c3b15ad283f3d18663415f 

    1. EWI


      shits actually premium

  16. Cant take L3 anywhere... 


    1. Ryan
    2. L3SL13


      not that black 

    3. Savage


      lol that looked like daevon

  17. I’ll beat Donald’s price HMU with how many spar 16s you have
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