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Fake Grandma

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Everything posted by Fake Grandma

  1. @Eggman My comp ticket has been up for almost 6 minutes. Can you drop college for me real quick? Tyty, slow admin 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ryan


      Imagine kissing people. I cut my lips off for this reason. 

    3. eggmasta


      Ill drop my summer class no worries!

    4. Fake Grandma
  2. Cookies or Diesel? If you know you know

  3. @Pledge Ill keep it if you want me to, but im pretty sure im not suppose to have APD tags <3

  4. You obviously don’t know how to combat log properly
  5. o7 you bunny beating piece of shit @Plumber love u ❤️

  6. Bruh, you gotta use something besides internet explorer.
  7. Fake Grandma


    o7 @Drama will miss you, Trenton the bot
  8. o7 @Tb:)
  9. U just told me -Ti- Dumbass! was dealt with administrative action but he is still on the server

  10. Designers aren’t staff, tbh.
  11. You forgot #10
  12. I can offer you 1 fun night in kavala.
  13. For real tho, they the goofsters. You the real scary gangster. I’ll remind them not to disrespect you ever again.
  14. o7 @Jamie, let’s never forget where u can’t drop dopecrates ❤️❤️


    o7 @Strikke, U big bitch, scrublord 1000, tbh one of the biggest bitches that anyone in the bitch community has ever seen. Love u gayboi ❤️

    1. Aress


      You name is so buggy on my phone 

    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Ares I think my name is buggy on anyones phone. Blame @Grandma Gary Big dumb over here

  15. The only time you should rotortap or pit someone is if you have the cash and/or are willing to comp them. Because this is arma, tables, chairs, the ground and air will cause you to blow up that includes other vehicles, plants and water, so yea gl Hf.

    1. yungxanwiththeuzi


      I heavily fuck with Dax, real rap right there.

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