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Everything posted by Savage

  1. Thanks to all cops again who ruined our fight yesterday or before yesterday 

  2. Alt + f10 and a YouTube channel
  3. Anyone else excited about DayZ finally coming out of Alpha? No confirmed release date on 0.63 but I'm waiting...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. L3SL13


      Actually really excited going to be so much fun

    3. Savage


      I have played everyone of of the mods/games you put up and none of them match the gameplay of dayz. Yea they took mad long to get out of Alpha but if u read the update notes so far and even looked at some experimental footage, this is changing dayz in a big way. I enjoy the game even how it is right now and this update looks like it's gonna make it a lot better. Ima give it a chance cause they are finally coming back and trying to restart dayz.

    4. Chaos
  4. I hate u but Happy Birthday we had some good times together

  5. I now have a hole in my neck thanks @rp slayer
  6. Anyone else about to have a lit Halloween? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashur


      37 minutes ago, rp slayer said:

      knock my door asking for candies and I'll shoot you in the neck

      you dont have a door in a favela shack

    3. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      16 minutes ago, Ashur said:

      you dont have a door in a favela shack


    4. proud


      @Matt The Savage

      "Mans not hot" is what u meant, right, were not talking about Qasim

  7. @G.O.A.T. will only add this on 1 condition and that is if they add the APD Ifrit
  8. Happy Birthday! Your bday must be liiit

  9. Happy Birthday! Your streams inspired me to join APD. Idk if I would even be APD if it wasn't for u

  10. I think on asylum there is a guy that sounds like it maybe Ragnar but Ragnarok is completely open from what I know
  11. https://gyazo.com/25e50130e05bdfbe0be556b6c45bedc9
  12. For everyone that hates me for having the name "Savage" because someone already owns it, I am officially changing my name to "Ragnarok". I am doing this for respect reasons and hopefully everyone that hates me for my name currently we can change things.
  13. Same as proud, I've realized it's gotten me no where. To everyone I shot talekd to, I'm sorry hope we can forget that shit. (Low key I was gonna make 1not telling proud be he had the same idea...)
  14. Tower lag is something you can't do on purpose. Some people might want tower lag to happen but they can't control it. It's something Jesse can't fix. Tower lag is not exploiting and if u get wrongfully banned for it then submit a ban appeal. Obviously people don't because they most likely did break a rule so there is the answer to ur problem.
  15. I'm a dedicated PO that's probably never gonna get Corp just cause of my toxicity and me not being the best leader but I still try my best, I try to make the sAPD think differently. Whenever a new corporal gets promoted I don't end up screaming, I like to congratulate them when I see them. They definitely earned their rank. I don't see 1 corporal up there that hast worked hard for their position. Also the reason you get stuck at PO is because at Deputy, that's where u learn. At PO you still semi learn but with more "room" I would say. You can finally leave cities and raid red zones. When you become corporal you basically know everything there is to learn and now you start to learn how to become sAPD. I'm perfectly fine with my PO rank and I'm also greatful because I wasn't even supposed to be a cop for a while. GOAT gave me a chance though and I think now I have definitely improved. Instead of bitching about how you want a rank up, work like the rest.
  16. @Ryan @Xeltini @Viper @kev Don't we need that garage? Ima offer 750k for it
  17. Just got 2nd in a PUBG game with a cheater :P 

    1. callumlol



    2. Savage


      Tf ur problem 

  18. Ambition ur bounties we lookin THICC. You be lookin like a snack ;) 

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