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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. ngl i should soundboard one of the 14 year olds i have to hear everyday when they yell "im going to report you" during processing

  2. when kavala is dead so you take a rhib to pygros from kavala but eggman tells you to stop halfway :DansGame:

    #hate these new car physics i like my boat better

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fushigi


      actually if he wants to go and do circles around Altis i dont care its when they get 120km out of the map then i start to have a problem with it @Luke Duke

    3. KrispyK


      how the fuck can you get 120k out

    4. Kamikaze


      @KrispyK easily done by getting in a UNIQUE RP SITUATION with the medic involved, boat was throttle stuck and they couldn't stop it! 

  3. How many planes would it take at once to fly into admin island :thinking-face_1f914:

    1. DashTonic


      More than 5 trust me

  4. Lmaooo this shit was a ride

  5. I'm the only one allowed to shit talk boonie about salvation step off my bitch
  6. Homicide we can't be patrol buddies anymore
  7. KrispyK

    Wts hunter

    700 is what I'd like
  8. KrispyK

    Wts hunter

  9. If you buy into this you are legit retarded If you want investments that will actually work I'll run stocks in the summer since that one guy quit
  10. what would yall think about cops not being allowed to go into fed/bw to
    check for civs before the robbery has a chance to start?


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. KrispyK


      its almost like its a game and i would like to make t enjoyable for everyone

      civs knew cops would come to pharmas and would taze them there! same logic but you stopped that

    3. -dante-


      I see things from both sides. Being sAPD it makes it hard for people to see that, but youd be surprised how many civ things Im more for vs the APD side of the arguments. Im a huge advocate of stack prevention. This idea though, I just think makes 0 sense and shouldnt even be a topic. The APD shouldnt be disallowed from checking federal events to try to prevent it. 

    4. Linka
  11. people do runs more early mornings, atlest thats me. tac respawn would give me chanceon completing a run. would b a very good buff. this comin from a guy whos also been in the apd since po falcon and dog
  12. minecraft is the opposite of arma, fuckin runs worse with more ram

  13. can we remove vigis pls

    1. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan


      #VoteGenghisKhan4CivRep I will also delete Support team.

  14. When you are doing a Fed and you have to evacuate the building

    1. MAV


      oof - apd resorting to swatting to stop feds now :Kappa:

  15. Deal
  16. How much for Mar 10?
  17. would look better with less blur. the difference between the color is to much
  18. when everyone is level 19 in league and the minions win you the game :huh:

    1. Egnazio


      @Panera did this mans really just say lvl 19?:FeelsBad:

    2. KrispyK


      Manz I mistyped

      Won't let me edit it again, everyone was almost maxed out

  19. @Deputy Dog I knew since we were both pos you would be goin places

  20. Welp folks whole dorm be evacuated into the stairwell due to a tornado warning 

  21. @TheCmdrRex can we make a new apd rule to have seperate voice chat keys from the game and ts plx

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KrispyK


      half the time i have to listen to some nerd process a suspect in ts

    3. RubberDuck


      Tell them to shut up, or bind a key to mute your ts. Simple solutions.

    4. RogueMK


      Why not teach the guy and help him out, I myself don't use push to talk for TS but I have a hot key set up so when I talk in game it automatically mutes teamspeak 

  22. Just started playing leaguelv 9 hmu renimowl I play Warwick and anivia

    1. KrispyK


      still learnin the game fam

      howd you even see that tho?

  23. Flint's water system would cost 200m$ to fix while the missle attack cost 224m$


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MrB1


      Won't matter when world war 3 starts

    3. QKSILVR73


      The missiles have a shelf life. Probably wanted new ones LOL 


    4. Borax
  24. Nigga y'all need to learn PEMDAS It's 1.
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