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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. People that make me happy: asmongold getting everyone on kt to /spit at people with the new store mount
  2. Some yall play ret paladins and it really shows

  3. any 2b2t retards on here

    1. Skys


      used to play it

    2. Jaster


      i always kinda wanted to try that server

  4. Chapter 14: Explosive Items

    1. Suicide vests may be used at any time following normal roleplay rules.  Misuse of suicide vests to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles for no reason may still result in administrative action.  If these scenarios arise action will be taken entirely at staff discretion. "Allah Akbar" or variants are NOT considered valid RP.


  5. its the same group winning, of course it will be higher.
  6. my college friends found that peanut butter video and my life has been turned into a meme i demand 500 rep @Grandma Gary

    1. Millennium
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      This amuses me greatly.

    3. KrispyK


      It fucking better

  7. they added a shotgun

  8. they fucking spawned ragnaros in the stress test LMFAO

    1. Orgondo


      From what i saw in my guilds discord C’hunn got spawned too lol

    2. KrispyK


      they spawned onixia and some fire giant i dont know the name of and had them fight

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      some days I miss wow. most days I don't. 

      Spending 4h a night, tues weds thurs just dying over and over.

      Fri sat sun doing pvp.

      Monday cleaning up 10m raids

  9. 3 days and no drama? The fuck yall doin

  10. Who has the most content posted

    im going for number 1

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. monster


      wheres the off button on this thing

    3. Strikke


      @KrispyK I will gladly help :) 

    4. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      @KrispyK @ me next time btw status updates don't count as content.

  11. APD BUFF: removing any cop with a negative kd that doesnt play medic (that shit ruins kd)

  12. I love how cops solution for being shit is to nerf civs

    1. Evann
    2. Millennium


      I love how you try and shit talk but no one likes you and ignores you

  13. i remember reading it was unless the change was reverted
  14. blackfish price was raised to 3 mill. counter to black fish, not letting them get to loading and winning not allowed to taze/restrain cops at fed which was useful with mass log
  15. bring back civ rep voting residentsleeper


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KrispyK


      i want to keep council but it should be based around voting and not some random retard bbeing given the position that ends up getting permed 2 weeks later

    3. Bloodmoon


      Why bring voting back when the current system is better than the old? The only person that was perm'd was bralls who wasn't even on the council anymore

    4. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Robin Hood was ban evading while on council 

  16. its prolonging a wave which is needed with how much yall swarm with SAPD, the same way we block towers its not a problem and you guys REPEATLY nerf ANY plans people use that lets them start to in feds. its fucking stupid. heres your solution: dont hire monka brain dead cops and force them to use tatics that dont rely on 20 hunter push
  17. except civ rep doesnt mean anything anymore, no one voted him in. except civ rep doesnt mean anything anymore, no one voted him in.
  18. so yall gonna start not allowing people to shoot guns too or block towers with cars
  19. sense we cant milk now can we taze cops again pls

    1. Outcast


      You can tase them just not"excessively" and you can't restrain.

    2. Millennium



      also u can still milk, u just need to milk atleast 2 cops

    3. KrispyK


      inb4 it gets turned into needing 3

  20. oh piss off seriously fucking beta ass cops ya question why are you a beta cuck you are punishing players for using strats. monkabraindead
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