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Olympus Entertainment 2024 Price Match & Black Friday Sales & $1000 Giveaway! ×


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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. how much for all 3 titans, my stock of them got snaked. 450k?
  2. Make 3 ingame dollars, it's solid legally
  3. whos the current dev for cartels? Igot some glitch spots to report

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KrispyK
    3. Promethus


      on og arms none of those "exploits" can be fixed, og arms is part of default arma except flag pole... besides looking through rocks noyone uses the "magic" spots

    4. Scribble
  4. why is there a new lucky every 2 weeks lmao

  5. @HyperGoat @Fushigi well deserved, even if @Fushigi roasted me alot

  6. u were legit gibbs, see you at the retirement home
  7. hey buddy go eat shit
  8. @RambleR grats

    1. RambleR


      Thank you very much! GL with college my dude xD!!

  9. First time fighting cartels in months and it's a group of roachers -_- this the new meta or some shit

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. proud


      Fights these days, there are 4 teams:

      1- Attackers

      2- Defenders

      3- Roachers

      4- People roaching the roachers

    3. Biggs


      No its not always like this u can get a good fight without roaches 

    4. Linka


      who are you indirecting Deadpool 

  10. Anyone here know python that could help me out with a bit of code for my program, I don't remember how to properly get my if and elif sheit to work properly

  11. when a professor hits you with "this isnt your honest effort." but it is :FeelsBad:

    1. iPopsicle


      @Jesse says that all the time to me when I some him some of the stuff I do. :FeelsBad:

  12. when you load into he server and see 8 cops standing with their hands up on-top of your broken gangshed, including a luten

  13. can someone send me the full max market price of items so i can make a program for calculations ez


    1. PoptartRex


      Don't waste your time :P There could be changes soon

    2. KrispyK
    3. JAMIE


      I always just use my phone calculator its not that hard, maybe instead of a program just make a formula to calculate what your potentiol earnings may be including WPL, taxes and if you own cartel on said illegal. but this may expose how OP some legals are with a WPL without people actually getting out there and trying it themselves.




  14. what happened to all that money i gave him nibba got a problem
  15. When you find a YouTuber mass rulebreaking on a video but you also see @xDRO


    1. darn fool

      darn fool

      I'm so happy DB was so down with the bang bus 


    2. Ryan


      Why cant I ever find aids like this :(

  16. i just put the ab buy there to be a dick bc id rather not get asked how much it is to ab. i dont expect anyone to pay 10 mil il change ab to 5 mil since its triggering everyone id rather it get bidded on.
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