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Everything posted by N7Zero

  1. Hire @Borax he is NUTTS
  2. 532 × 532
  3. @rabeed @Mr Majestic
  4. with the current meta i think cops and civs are balanced (EXCLUDING TITANS AND GHOSTHAWKS!!!) the only reason this milking thing came around is to slow down the HUUUGE cop stack with 10+ lethals <----THIS IS THE PROBLEM NOT MILKING. so please fix the REAL problem and not change shit that don't need changing.
  5. REAL MANS GAME IS CIV 6 COME ON NOW LET ME RAZE UR CITY in 12 units of time..
  6. genuinely curious.. what did rex do?
  7. shoutout to @Gluxdator for this sexy skin! BO4VOUo.jpg




    shoutout to @Mr Majestic for nutty ULTRAWIDE screenshot!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tyronee


      looks neh..

    3. N7Zero


      13 minutes ago, Nex is the name said:

      Im dumb and kinda new, what you do to recieve a skin?

      kneepads, ask APD if u dont understand :Kappa:

    4. hawk


      21 minutes ago, Nex is the name said:

      Im dumb and kinda new, what you do to recieve a skin?

      His name just happens to match the skin, personal skins aren't a thing

  8. GOT S8E3 be like :pog:

  9. useless post, useless entity, you should be eradicated off the earth along with ur cat. hmm im hungry.
  10. where is my nigga @Ares at? swear he went off grid since the hack.


    1. Google


      Shit man went off the grid before the hack

    2. Drippp


      Man went off the grid before he even got owner

  11. https://gyazo.com/f549f26e0f8209f76d8137aefe749d6c @Egnazio idk why it wont let me post image. which jew reduced the file size limit?
  12. Goats signature strat.
  13. my nigga @De Fuk happy birthday :wub:

  14. in before "Ares o7 post" a few months down the line
  15. again..
  16. rise of the Brits! GOD SAVE THE QUEEN
  17. only got 1 present for Christmas and it was from @Ryan so +1 to him.
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