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Ryan Beck

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Everything posted by Ryan Beck

  1. Dont do it gary, if it becomes a Death match server Olympus has fallen
  2. Did @Bloodmoon get corp, Do i gotta log on and get you removed again. 


  3. This is some great stuff honestly
  4. New website stuff and brinign back twitch tab is great, Keep up the good work. 


  5. image.thumb.png.f48b0a56827e3124aad2f468e5de44f4.png

    DB Team speak is poppin



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ryan


      @billdroid I’m neutral tbh but this situation was just retarded and could of been easily avoided lmao

    3. Ryan


      Ye @Kamikaze is the one that went for the ban, he ain’t even in db he’s @Creepy’s puppet in BW 🙂 

    4. Drippp


      Okay now @Ryan let’s not act like @Kamikaze doesn’t always have rabid and goats dick down his throat,  js. 


  6. Dude DB Egos gone over the roof no wonder server pop is down 😄 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GregoV1


      @rabid I wouldn't be calling me a loser lol. retard you sit it your room all day talking shit on an arma 3 forums

    3. billdroid


      Hey that’s toxic mr. staff member @rabid

    4. billdroid


      Grego come back the community needs u 👾

  7. @Hylos @ThatNerdyGuy you guys gonna be on the Death screen a whole lot this coming month
  8. I dont know if that's even possible, maybe doable with a team speak add on capping people in the channel by putting a cap on it comparing it to server pop using SQL.
  9. Think a reduction of the number of cops could be due, with the removal of server 3 and the lower server pop the amount of cops hasn't really change but the civs have, maybe increasing running costs of cops is finally needed ????
  10. S2 is on some new level of fucked up right now Its bugging out people disappearing and freezing all over the place possible hacker ? 

  11. Have a good day @ThatNerdyGuy make sure you vibe

  12. The medic is 7km at the start of the clip but just watch, Medic where ? 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shadowtail00


      No, he died after he ran out of the heli

    3. Slumberjack


      Looks like you found us testing a new "medical-wizard" rank 🤣:kappa:

      Usually if a heli is involved in any type of revive the bodies appear in different positions client-side. (i.e floating bodies around the map)

    4. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      Hey, I like the new rank Caught those guys off guard pretty well 😄 

  13. Yo i wanna play if someone looking to play hmu
  14. You missed the time of cops putting up checkpoints on the way the athria rebel and warzone then, was a cancer that is why it was changed
  15. Only ever press tab because i think i'm playing Dayz
  16. cAn I ChanGe my nAme BACk pLS

  17. Just saying an Olympus modded DayZ Stand alone server could be clutch 

    1. DashTonic


      It only will last a few weeks just like tano and Malden

  18. Hey @Dominick Ramos its ya boi ryan beck i can get you a huron if you ever trynna make the sequel 


  19. why would they pay you if you gonna sell it anyways lol
  20. WTF did viper do
  21. Where is @Grandma Gary owner ? or do they not let monsters who make female dwarfs on that role ?


    1. Millennium


      he has been offered several times and doesn't want it

  22. Can i switch my name back now Jeff was just for that civ rep thing and that dont work if you cant do Sundays 

  23. Which idiot developed the garage outside jail I cant pull a fucking car without getting kicked. is this a joke even ask @Headless 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      Kinda Clogged 

    3. Danger


      Submitting a bug report might be more helpful with getting issues fixed rather than calling the devs shit on the forums.

    4. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      those new jail outfits look cool asf

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