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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. Legit, oh and the argument was, "You were so far away from them so I dont need the last 30 seconds anyway"
  2. It do be kinda true though. Once got banned for a 4;30 RDM video and then had to wait for the admin to "analyse the audio" to hear my 3 warning shots with a mar 10
  3. Just got sent a Tiktok of me working by a friend and it has 750k likes. Some randy indian man filmed it

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      hahaha i seen that

    3. Linka


      its so easy to get views on tiktok, one like puts it on like thousands of peoples fyp

    4. Noodles:D


      When unjos nametag doesnt say unjo. 🤔

    1. monster


      Inb4 he restricts you for no reason

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Thank you Unjo very cool

  4. White is right
  5. Come apply
  6. Showcase how easy it is to upset cops


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dab


      lol what a nerd

    3. Millennium


      I remember this lmfao. didn't even know u were in the channel

  7. Get community manager @DeadPool to run ya stinky cartel events

    1. DeadPool


      lmao and do what? I wasnt allowed or trusted to do anything without staff. Not like ive been on dev server w/o obvsication or help rex code. LMAO There is no trust for staff unless you are staff funny how that works. No matter how much you do trust wont be given lol

  8. Lottery did hit 110, but it was a glitch because dollar store devs
  9. 50,000 * 10 * 120 = 60 million, not including tax is the maximum the lottery can be
  10. Unless the max tickets isnt 10 and 50k per ticket, the max is just under 60 million
  11. So why is Mita not on CoC

    1. NokiaStrong
    2. -dante-


      @Sandman idk what happened but you killed a dep chief slot and the CoC looks better now. Good stuff. 

  12. That'll teach those fancy private helis to fly over kav


  13. Someone that reports people for selling money after buying money from them
  14. Congrats @Zeuse 

    Stop wasting time on this game, this is just racist facebook at this point

    1. Zeuse


      Thanks.  Not much else to waste my time on tbh.

  15. Being hot is really uncomfortable whilst cold starts to hurt depending on how cold
  16. So why is @SixNain off restrictions when he brought money and hardly even played the game until he got off restrictions but his alleged dealer is still on restrictions?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SixNain


      bc i like penis and got no gag reflex


    3. SixNain


      im still waiting on that swatting btw

    4. Raquese
  17. Selling cus scared zzzz
  18. Happy Birthday @Fedot

    OT OT

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