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Everything posted by Mighty


    Who has been watching Ahsoka? This shit is so good.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mighty


      @ Space Ranger yea the moving more towards "adult-ish" shows was something I really liked. I think the main thing that has really been pulling me towards Andor and mando is its focus more on the cultures and ordinary citizens rather than "a man with a bright sword saving the day every time". Getting to see more of the Star Wars galaxy is also a big plus.

    3. Space Ranger

      Space Ranger

      I've heard some theories that the place where Thrawn currently resides is the same place where Yoda and Grogu's species came from @ Mighty  main youtuber I watch regarding star wars is Eckharts ladder: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp6F1mQGuaXiDj5otWBmIjg

    4. Mighty


      @ Space Ranger  I haven't heard any of those theories but that would be interesting. I have seen a few of his clips in the past. I'll have to check him out. I have about five more episodes until I finish Rebels. I'm curious how this "world between worlds" works. Will hopefully finish tonight.

  2. All electric here
  3. Mighty

    o7 Apd

  4. @ TapTap  congrats on the sgt again!

    @ JaydenB congrats on Lt again!

    @ Super_Nova  congrats on Lt again!

    @ Winters where are you going to fit all your new team members? 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -dante-


      Shit if we running it back me @ PoptartRex and @ Pledge comin’ back rn. APD unstoppable with the back to back to back chiefs of 2018-19. (Idc if they don’t wanna come back they gonna do it) 

    3. NokiaStrong


      @ Mighty stop dick riding he isnt gonna whitelist you again

    4. Mighty



      @ nicole that didn't age well 🤣

  5. Congrats on Developer @ Milo !!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Milo


      Thank you so much ❤️!!

  6. Happy birthday @ Doc !!!!

    1. TapTap


      Stop making forums posts. You got payouts to do

  7. If @ JaydenB gets demoted for saying "stay cpl. idk how you got it in the first place." Then why is @ Mako  allowed to say this and stay his current rank?


    @ Winters

  8. What are you talking about!?!?!?!? That was totally you on the AT shooting at cops. You should have been removed a long time ago!!!!!! JK o7
  9. jesus christ that's jason bourne
  10. WOW that’s forged don’t believe him
  11. Battlefield 2042 is finally great

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horizon
    3. Mighty


      @ Horizon  Season 5 just launched on Wednesday. The new map is a remake of the Zavod 311 map from bf4. Over the last few updates, there have been overhauls to classes, weapons, and specialist. Finally feels like battlefield again.


    4. buckie


      still not buying it. cant support a game thats good after 2 years or theyll never release a complete game

  12. You @ the wrong @Admin
    1. Millennium


      wow @ Rexo exploiting.... smh

    2. Element_


      we could've pulled tasers and helped if you guys would've told us lol.

  13. Happy Bday brown box mover  @ DeadPool  

  14. um excuse me. Does a sAPD member not know their own handbook? The APD handbook gets superseded when you are any means. You don't need a chief on for that
  15. I'm not even talking about the R&R part anymore. I'm asking what makes you think it's fine to make an armed ghawk invisible in the first place.
  16. Where does this say this isn't allowed during any means? Another senior even confirmed it had been done by Winters himself when Winters was taken hostage, so what's the difference? If anything this seems like a better reason than just a single officer getting taken. You keep saying the texture thing was a "mistake" by why were making a armed ghawk invisible in the first place???
  17. This is just sad. What the fuck has the apd come to. You literally had a captain+ on civ abusing her designer powers flying around in a RnR skinned ghawk gassing everyone. I don't see her getting in trouble...
  18. ibGXNsT.jpeg

    1. Diamond


      Make it a feature, the next statue of Kavala "The Boat"

  19. Just reposting @ ThatNerdyGuy 's amazing comment.
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