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Everything posted by Haze

  1. When will the people who participated given their money/points?
  2. These melons clearly exploited and talk it up like they were ever good. LOL trashcans get smacked every other GWs @ me kiddos

  3. gangwars uniforms??

    1. Tacosmell


      PM me what you guys actually would want concept wise. I can't guarantee they'll use it but i can make it for you possibly.

    2. N7Zero


      @Haze Image result for fairy costume clothing

      there u go buddy :Kappa:

  4. Get ddosed every fight and still win Gang Wars. EZ DUBZ BOIS

  5. Comin at me for what reason. U got benched in a dead game cuz, lmao
  8. @Peter Long eta on cs tournmament

  9. People getting banned from their own videos made 4 months ago. smh

    1. Monkeysz


      I assume it’s more than just that video...

    2. Jeb


      14k hours tho!

  10. bruh watched the car come at him and he moved into it.
  11. Need someone to help me out with a facecam overlay. LMK!

    1. Jopple123
    2. Haze


      Gummy is mentally ill dont make fun of him!

  12. twitch.tv/hazeecs 

    fortnite stream follow and ill sign ir ahks

  13. Nice to see Moob's gang who has been around for years still dogshit at the game... Yikes

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Just now, RambleR said:

      @Haze back in my day i was an arma legend let me tell ya son. 

      Don't force me to go to the archive folder of videos :peterscream:

    3. Welch


      y'all need a fat bowl 

    4. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      @Haze So let me start and finish this retarded status update right here. First of all, you attempting to bait a flame war is going to result in a forum restriction that will last as long as your sister in bed - quite a while. Secondly, your sad attempt at flame is about as skillful as you are in having conversations with females. Finally: shut up. Your insults make as much sense as your Mom when talking about the good ol' days when she was attractive. You actually look the spawn of an Orangutan that was raped by a blue whale, all while high on meth and battling cancer. 

  14. I am hearing that s3 is fine and Gang Wars could had went on today, but possibly it was canceled because a gang couldn't fight?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Savage


      30 minutes ago, Peter Long said:

      I heard Trump made a sex tape with Hillary, but she laughed when he couldn't get it up, that's why he hates her. #makeolympusgreatagain 


    3. Isaac Newton
  15. Do you know when there will be custom, gang tags added to the server?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. proud


      More like im proving someone wrong :)

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I agree. Umlauts, apostrophes and ampersands aren’t even allowed. They should be as well as all of the other suicidally angsty tags that people want. 

  16. Possible Update on gang tags being added to the server?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Haze


      @Rusty You have A U T I S M

    3. Rusty


      @Haze You have 500 pounds worth of weight on you. and your a spotty pizza face kid.

    4. Haze


      @Rusty Jesus you have a sad life, 21 years old and nothing better to do but talk shit on the internet. 

  17. Whoever had the idea of adding armed planes is actually mentally dumb. literaly log on to fight at cartels to get bombarded by fucking armed planes.. didn't know I was playing wasteland.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Strikke


      If you have tried them you will know that the gun on it is shit and its impossible to actually aim and kill someone...

    3. Haze


      I run on to cap, the first time 3 rip flys over I die, so I got no idea what u mean dawg... @Strikke

    4. Ludde


      23 minutes ago, Peter Long said:

      It will be aids for a bit until the allure wears off. They are easy to shoot down, and once people start losing them, the less they will be pulled. Give it a chance before calling someone retarded.

      We have 150mil to spend on them, there will be no stopping soon xD

  18. If anyone has a moonshine house S1 lmk where it is and what you are offering, pm me if you want. Thanks
  19. 1.2 pm me if u still want that deal
  20. Quick Question: Some people have invalid scripting bans, such as myself and Lil Bill. (example) Because we got unbanned due to the ban being invalid, would we be allowed to play?
  21. Why would we reset war pts, people who used the war system got the points, therefor if you don't got any too bad. No one has it either than others. War points should stay the same and let everyone grind for more:D
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