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rp slayer

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Everything posted by rp slayer

  1. Thanks @Ignis


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Savage


      @BobsYourAuntie everyone talking about Thursday wipe day is gonna be liit 

    3. J O E

      J O E

      We are gonna grief you so bad.


    4. Savage
  2. Might give arma a break and start playing csgo again :>

  3. before : after :
  4. After taking 20m to read all the shit show at Proud's post Im just going to say that yall gotta chill it's a game and you get mad 2 easily and btw@call_me_dog our comms aren't the best at all but about them asking for comp for their loadouts? lol bro they literally deposited 20mill in gang funds so me and jaconite could buy a gangshed so trust me when I say they don't give a shit about a loadout.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Biggs


      last comment neck 

    3. proud


      Hey Biggs


      Image result for no one cares













    4. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      And this became another shit show gr8

  5. rip

    pc died 

    2012 ~ 2017

    1. big niko
    2. J O E

      J O E

      Thank fuck for that

  6. When warpoint market has nothing decent LOL
    add csats @Jesse

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      @Jesse when's csat coming out?

  7. Exactly everyone knew it would comeout now every shitter that isn't the list will say yes lets wipe it which makes no fucking sense the only reason warpoints came was because of the market and everyone had the same oportunities and time to get their warpoints reseting them would just be aids asf. ps : don't think anyone is that much of a nerd to boost their warpoints but whatever...
  8. YEAH
  9. @G.O.A.T. can we still go there and knock down the walls right?
  10. Just lost my 5mill bounty rip xd

  11. denied.
  12. https://gyazo.com/337a6d0466560376be3ba34a17f817da offers.
  13. mfw there is 25 cops on for a bw :>


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rusty


      jwilly your bad end of.

    3. Jwilly


      Just now, Rusty said:

      jwilly your bad end of.

      if u dont have haters ur doing something wrong

    4. Rusty


      I don't hate you. I just think your shit. You have said this like 3 times now. Trash boi

  14. When you try doing a pit race on cop 




    1. Jamal Buhari

      Jamal Buhari

      tac respawning with 5+ cops on is not allowed btw

    2. Mooey
  15. dp22 3crater? good for moonshine
  16. 1 - press C 2 - adaptive crosshair : disabled 3 - stop hot mic 4 - get good
  17. arms dealer? hello? could cap much like a cartel but if you have it capped you get discounted rebel gear for your gang and maybe gang funds profit off of purchases at the rebel outposts by other gangs. I guess this isn't the same thing as arms dealer is it?
  18. hey this is olympus not asylum
  19. it's sunday... school tomorrow *neck*

    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      @Matt The Savage Not summer in brazil :>

    2. Randyy


      is your school a metal shack?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      When you pull out a meme that was made before you were in middle school.

    3. PoptartRex


      You ain't even original this was on Asylum this morning.

    4. DeadPool
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