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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by SuWooP

  1. @ silton  no more reign? what if t3s come back?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zeuse


      Can't be worse than when @ SuWooP  approved the APD getting titans though 🤭

    3. maxg


      type115 & t3 is peak era

    4. SuWooP


      warzone was a safe haven under me, heard cries all the time about it. Feds was a lock too. Lmao

  2. Goat wont step back into the ring with me

    1. Rossco


      Suwoop these nuts

  3. Wheres rabid at i need some entertainment

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Permed probably crying in bed rn

    2. Lucien


      The only free rabid movement I can get behind

    3. Skys


      prob playing draven on league for 12+ hours a day

  4. Who let this rabid freak back on the server after i left? do we need a @ east side crip  return? 

    1. Skys


      how is swimming and drinking with dudes in the bathroom?

  5. SuWooP


    The server has so many people that do so much that fly so far under the radar and you are one of them sir. As bad as this sounds, I think olympus really taught you a lot of lessons and is going to be a shaping figure for your future. We were blessed to have you and Im glad I was able to say goodbye as this is probably one of my last times on the forums before college starts and my life starts going at superspeed. Best of luck Mr. Noah, I know you will do great
  6. Anyone know where to watch the fight tonight?

  7. Liberals real quiet this year after talking about "Accountability" the last 4 years

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lucien


      Not gonna lie I am pretty left leaning but I don't give a shit about the stuff in Afghanistan, pulling out was the right move and had to happen eventually. 

    3. Bloodmoon


      I don't understand how people can take american politics seriously when there's only 2 viable parties, both of them being awful in their own regards.

    4. proud


      feel like this video says enough.

  8. Bring back the PO7

  9. Holy shit i almost just fell out of my chair. I am dying.
  10. At least they didnt need a heat map
  11. @ Bloodmoon Sit
  12. I am just so confused how my name is linked to this or even the first name to pop up in your head like ive been gone for months
  13. Blame staff for the orcas not us
  14. So how big is the mission file now?

  15. @Noahhh!ETA on Boomtage 4?

  16. I actually just got $2900 from a sugar momma.

    1. Millennium


      For what tho. I know u enjoy sucking toes...

    2. Skys


      calling your mom a sugar momma is kinda weird 

  17. SuWooP

    bye bye

    o7 lad best of luck ahead of you
  18. If there are riots tonight, this country is fucked.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MAV


      fine, that i can agree with... but how does that translate to oppression of POC and systemic racism.. unless you are implying that corporations are racist and want to keep POC down..... 

  19. SuWooP

    APD on top

    Lmao just let the man share something he thought was cool. No need to put someone down just because they arent the best at something. @Skateezy called it too early, no fixing the toxicity in this community.
  20. SuWooP

    APD on top

    oof this one hurt
  21. SuWooP


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