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Everything posted by Shades

  1. Might start taking kidneys again while smoking some flower.

  2. Think the APD could use Shades again. Here goes an app. Lets go.

  3. Rippers are coming back but going to server one. o/

  4. Servers are still fucked. Just in case you came here to find out.

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Fuck. I guess the LITTLE DICK is still DDOSING. 

  5. @Lime and @Mike Lit congrats on the Golden Kneepads. Now if you need advanced flight lessons I gotcha. 😎

    1. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      Thanks man! I have already crashed 2 Xi'an's, might need to hit you up for lessons.

    2. Noahhh!


      @Mike Lit Flying a Xi'an is just like flying a blackfish without like 75% of the weight.

    3. Lime


      I would react but I ran out : /  



  6. Let’s see.
  7. @Coconut Too bad I ain’t making y’all shit. To everyone else, when this goes live hit me up.
  8. Don’t know why I got tagged. Not like anyone gives two fucks what I have to say. Lol.
  9. Happy 4/20 all month long! If your stuck at home and can't go outside then smoke as much weed as you can. ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drippp


      We get it you smoke weed 

    3. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Shades But wait, thats my normal routine? Now what? 
      @Strikke can attest to that

    4. Shades


      This is just advice. Forget about me and be happy with you. ❤️

  10. I want in. I hope I win. @GluxDesigns make sure you comment too.
  11. @Zahzi Glux and I will smoke up for you. Happy Birthday man. 

  12. So impounding shit on Medic makes your bank account go to fucking ZERO. Don't fucking impound! I want my 4 mill back. 

    1. Richard


      Lol that’s why there were multiple posts about it.  Rip 

    2. Zahzi


      working as intended, fuck medics


  13. If you need any graphics for your Olympus profile, Twitch, YouTube, or any other social network profile then PM me. 

    I do professional work and can make you stand out the way you need. 

    Once again, PM me for more details or questions. 

    1. ChillX


      What a nice feller

  14. Mx is always on Cop. So him being up at 3am is normal. Lol.
  15. Medics do have fat ass heads with them helmets.
  16. Hell yeah. So glad I am not a target. :3
  17. I would like to enter please and thank you.
  18. Can anyone else not see the R&R forums?

    1. Millennium
    2. Unjo


      Part 1 of defib implementation

  19. Is there going to be multiple Purges on the servers tonight? :3

  20. Purge Events on Halloween??

    1. Millennium


      Im already doing that IRL. Got my car ready for the streets

    2. Linka


      i plan on dying halloween

    3. Creepy


      I'll sponsor this

  21. You can buy forum rep? Lol.
  22. I think I know what he is feeling at that moment. He is high as fuck.
  23. Thanks everyone for the Happy Birthdays. Rest assured that Glux and I have been stoned all day. :3 ❤️

  24. I am hands down the best role player here.
  25. Since everyone's profile is fucked. Just know that I am willing to sell my services to make you a bad ass profile. 

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