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Status Replies posted by vedalkenn

  1. Yo tell me it’s fake ab da best 

    1. vedalkenn


      they were postin pics w him rip and doves sayin they gonna miss him and shit man 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Yo tell me it’s fake ab da best 

    1. vedalkenn


      Nah man, I ain't wanna believe till I saw his homies post abt it

      RIP @ DABESTeva  one of the best friends I've made on this game, gonna miss his ass man.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. would love to know what you lovely people are on this wont take long you should dot it 🙂 https://www.16personalities.com

  4. Olympus RP is now accepting applications into our Apex Legends gang...  PM @ Weaz @ monster or I for your application to be processed by @ Masoooooooooon .

    25/30 slots remaining, we expect a lot of applications to come in fast so make sure to send yours in as soon as possible!

    Minimum requirements: Rookie 4 or higher in BR Ranked to join.


  5. 2 years later and a mf can’t get an unban 😂 y’all really on some other shit over here

  6. @ Fraali explain how mat is recording desktop videos but cheating please. ik BC has you on a leash but thats just sad. a admin who doesnt know how recording cheats works 

    1. vedalkenn


      tfw they wont even talk to you over a false cheating ban :^(

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  7. if i buy a oly+ sub can i get unbanned

  8. If your ISP is CenturyLink, and you're having issues connecting to the Teamspeak or the Olympus servers, please complain to CenturyLink. This is a failure somewhere in their routing right now, and there's little we can do about it from our side.

    This is affecting me too and I've love for them to get off their bums 🙂

    EDIT - This has somewhat been resolved. CenturyLink's routing has been repaired to a pre-outage state, but is still abismal for latency performance. Using a VPN in my area that was connected to the comcast backbone resulted in a 30% drop in ping, meaning that while the routing they're doing is now working, it is still very sub-par for midwest centurylink customers trying to reach OVH servers. If you experience similar symptoms, please still reach out to them, as multiple complaints is the only way this likely-easily-resolvable issue will get enough traction to be looked at on their end.

  9. If your ISP is CenturyLink, and you're having issues connecting to the Teamspeak or the Olympus servers, please complain to CenturyLink. This is a failure somewhere in their routing right now, and there's little we can do about it from our side.

    This is affecting me too and I've love for them to get off their bums 🙂

    EDIT - This has somewhat been resolved. CenturyLink's routing has been repaired to a pre-outage state, but is still abismal for latency performance. Using a VPN in my area that was connected to the comcast backbone resulted in a 30% drop in ping, meaning that while the routing they're doing is now working, it is still very sub-par for midwest centurylink customers trying to reach OVH servers. If you experience similar symptoms, please still reach out to them, as multiple complaints is the only way this likely-easily-resolvable issue will get enough traction to be looked at on their end.

    1. vedalkenn


      I've got fiber in my area, used to have centurylink shit was ass

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. If your ISP is CenturyLink, and you're having issues connecting to the Teamspeak or the Olympus servers, please complain to CenturyLink. This is a failure somewhere in their routing right now, and there's little we can do about it from our side.

    This is affecting me too and I've love for them to get off their bums 🙂

    EDIT - This has somewhat been resolved. CenturyLink's routing has been repaired to a pre-outage state, but is still abismal for latency performance. Using a VPN in my area that was connected to the comcast backbone resulted in a 30% drop in ping, meaning that while the routing they're doing is now working, it is still very sub-par for midwest centurylink customers trying to reach OVH servers. If you experience similar symptoms, please still reach out to them, as multiple complaints is the only way this likely-easily-resolvable issue will get enough traction to be looked at on their end.

    1. vedalkenn


      beamed by centurylink 

      praying they just get washed out of CO 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. Who tf are you ?😂

    1. vedalkenn


      Says who tf are you, claims he wasn't attempting to ego.

      Absolute tom foolery

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. if you find league fun, u have severe brain damage and should get that checked out.

    1. vedalkenn


      i banned a lux support cause i told the kid i didnt want lux kid told me to dodge banned it went full human creature mode

      swear down people on league have less social interaction then a missing person 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Almost 4 months and yet some of you still log on as "Cherry" and "Fuck Cherry". I love my fans ❤️ find a hobby

    1. vedalkenn


      their clearly living rent free if you cared enough to post about it

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. i will not be happy till all the cheaters are gone

    1. vedalkenn


      people change gary, i just dont think i can be happy till all the cheaters are gone.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. 769ea592ca1931bbff593e58c321ddf3.png

    hmu for profile picture art some say i rival picasso

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