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Texture Designer
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Status Replies posted by maxg

  1. Title stats should now be saving properly again. Let me know if there are any issues 😉 

  2. Yo I need two gangs with atleast 5-6 people that are willing to fight at cartels in about an hour to test drive an event, reply back if you can.

  3. yh what @maxg said eta on event team @Ryan

  4. Made me think of you babe @maxg


  5. Blows my mind that discord giveaways put more hawks into the server than blackwaters lmao

  6. Imagine mass logging cops to seize a run and wonder why no one does runs anymore 

  7. CEO of the Google CQC Administration Team.

  8. So i made this a few days ago while I was still annoyed, though I couldn't care less anymore and am happy Olympus is back up, figured it'd be a damn shame if I didn't share it ? @Ryan @rapidaax still love you ?



  9. tfw you get restricted on the forums for saying something we all know is true now.



    (I'm Gay)

  10. Since everyone's profile is fucked. Just know that I am willing to sell my services to make you a bad ass profile. 

  11. So who ended up winning gang wars?

  12. A month ago I was told the gang wars mission file was ready to go. I didn’t worry about it because I figured the person telling me was competent enough to be honest and have it ready. Boy was I wrong. This is a big L for us.

  13. Quit Olympus lost virginity 3 days later coincidence?

  14. When is rosters out for gang wars?

  15. @Ghost Hawkalypse


  16. Anyone got any ideas for a new loading screen? It helps me think of something great to create. 

  17. Alright sorry about the delay. A bunch of stuff failed to obfuscate correctly last time and it should be good now. Update should be applied for all servers in like next 10 minutes

  18. Petition to change kavalas name to palestine @Ryan

  19. congrats to a day 1 homie @Kamikaze

  20. ETA on server 3 being turned into malden with cartels and medics this time?

  21. @Ryan your such a gay :wub:

  22. @Ryan your such a gay :wub:

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