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Texture Designer
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Status Replies posted by maxg

  1. Congrats @maxg @LimeGuy36 @Clover

    Dont Fuck up like @Rossco did.

  2. Congrats to @Clover @LimeGuy36 and @maxg.


    Keep trying @Rossco, maybe next time.

  3. congratulations @LimeGuy36 @Clover @maxg you beat out many qualified medics. Welcome to the team!

  4. Can we lock this bar so it will stay on screen as we scroll. Its a bitch scrolling back to the top. thx bbd3f8fe401b1145f96059b77750b112.png

  5. Day 5: @Ryan I can't really think of what to write today. I'm feeling kind of grey because it snowed today. So here is something to remind you of summer.

    Image result for summer poems for kids

    Please unban me because I went to an extent to search up children's summer poems.

  6. Developer applications have been updated.

    If you already know SQF, your chances at being accepted are pretty damn good. However, you may apply with zero knowledge of SQF as long as you are fluent in another programming language and have a desire to learn. If you have been on the fence before because of a lack of proficiency in SQF, now is your best chance. Get those apps in.

  7. Think main air plane npc is broken, no scroll wheel option. Softlogged and still nothing

  8. Think main air plane npc is broken, no scroll wheel option. Softlogged and still nothing

  9. Y'all upped the Gold Bar sell price again... Because there isn't even money in the economy already lol. Civs go nuts

  10. Tree: 25


    APD Wins 2nd wave with not a single sr or armored car. 


  11. @Ryan since you decided to ignore it earlier... why is support team held higher than staff now. Especially since you took that part out of your September post.

  12. Hey the post about staff toxicity was edited. I won’t speculate one what that means. I just had to say it cus everytime @Ryan edits it I get tagged all over again 😡😡😡

  13. Forum drama is fun and all but how we about to not talk about Spider-Man being put back into the MCU

  14. How Many Hours are in a day?

    "12" - @Rexo

  15. So who’s gonna remove my restrictions for a hand job 

  16. Ya'll just wait till Sunday, ima clear up a lot of shit and bring some changes. Ive been pretty silent these last few weeks, but only cause I want to make sure we got everything set in stone, and outlined for you guys to see. Changes coming are some people I think would want to see. Ive been listening to most of you, and have even talked to some of you privately regarding those changes. Been pretty transparent everytime I made a post, this wont be any different 😛 

  17. Great staff on this server not toxic at all lmao


    1. maxg


      Imagine complaining about support team being toxic and unprofessional but most of the staff on this server are immature 12 year olds that run wild while the owner doesn't do shit about it. Please just fix it already @Ryan


      Edit: Ryan pulled me and explained what's happening to improve upon it.

    2. (See 68 other replies to this status update)

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