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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. I’ll bet you ten mill that I give you ten mil
  2. o7 man enjoy life
  3. Bro what the fuck this absolutely ruins my day man

    o7 chewy

  4. congrats on 100k tickets

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      And 20k of them are open comp requests

    2. Lime


      Here's to many more 🥂

  5. @Viper wheres the money

    1. Viper


      school got in the way brother, next weekend. 

  6. Trees, bushes, and rocks from Lithium Mine thank fuck
  7. o7 one of the nicest staff the servers had. thanks for unbanning me that one time
  8. I agree that this topic isn’t useless but 5 topics in 5 minutes is pretty spammy imo. Either way this is off topic, you haven’t made anymore threads so thanks.
  9. You put 5 different threads up in a total of five minutes
  10. You need to stop spamming the forums
  11. @Civak @Zahzi and @Pledge

    solid update thank god it’s actually put out IN September 

  12. wowo
  13. What is that supposed to mean
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