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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. @Weird Flex But Ok
  2. 4m
  3. No I’m just saying vigi and rebel = same faction.
  4. It was made by the head civilian council for vigilantes and then pinned, him saying it a faction is to describe that it’s a separate part of civ life that you can participate in. There are 3 factions on this server, apd medic and civ
  5. Cause when you click the slot when loading into the server you click civillian for both rebel and vigi. If you clicked apd or r&r then you would be in a different faction
  6. Look outside there is no snow your name is dro Your skins make me go woah i cant think of anything else the rhymes with o
  7. We could only bring up limited ideas as since it was the first meeting a lot ideas were present
  8. Does that mean you finally updated the server @Ryan
  9. man of culture
  10. would there happen to be a timelapse of the new background being made

    1. DeadPool
    2. Mako


      Interesting concept however when I do work its spuratic and this was just meant to replace a vanilla asset that was 3x its size. I.e I wanted it smaller for more textures.

  11. Thermal NVGs for Medic rank Coordinator @Kyle Lake
  12. S3 was stocked full up till it got closed. Keep it up for winter pls

  13. Biggest reason I don’t join a big cartel gang is we fight all day everyone gets off and I’m broke but I want to play all parts of the server not just cartels
  14. Is it the same pc
  15. Guys ban him he’s scripting
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MAV


      yall are some mongs... when you post a link, provide some context as to what the form is for so folks dont have to click it and find out.... yeeeesh

    3. NokiaStrong
    4. -dante-


      Yeah good luck with the responses on that. You’re about to get some meme ass responses. See @DeadPooL when he first had civ rep how his form was at first. 

  16. Make Kyla lakers perm kos
  17. If by ram you mean put them yes, if you don’t die or blow up then they are good. (Most of the time) yes they can rotate tap same thing before as long as you don’t die/ blow up you can move cars slowly my ramming slow. But do at your own risk as if it blows up you might have to comp
  18. Yes Olympus good other servers bad.
  19. Amd relive
  20. This 100%. So many times I have seen a 14 v 14 and it’s was 10 lethals with like a po and 3 deputys
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