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Everything posted by GregoV1

  1. Looking at a AFRICAN AMERICAN KID feels weird after 6 months without using them holy shit.

  2. I blame Viper for this event
  3. SMH when these dollar store devs can't just do their job :4head:

  4. You can clearly see that the development team is forcing their members to put females on their profile picture. #destroythedevteam #ikiledisamindcontrollor

    Congats though @Phunky

    1. iPopsicle


      That's why I quit but don't tell no one I refused and @ikiled couped me so he had no more competition 

  5. I’m too lazy to read all of this. I’m just going to bed. Good night
  6. @Staff @Designers

    Please remove/edit these side railings at the jail. They honestly make pushing the jail even harder since they are unbreakable. Either remove them or make them breakable. Thanks ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. zoomzooooooom
    3. LukeTheCoop


      Grego, it is a bowling ally. Can't you tell? Some people need the bars up, stop judging them!

    4. Outcast
  7. Word on the street is that @Childish has the GW bracket done.
    Boys you know what to do ! 
    @Childish  @Childish
    @Childish @Childish
    @Childish @Childish
    @Childish @Childish
  8. U just told me -Ti- Dumbass! was dealt with administrative action but he is still on the server

  9. @rapidaax you won’t retire from staff no balls

    1. rapidaax


      retire from staff to join renegade rp :3Nips:

    2. GregoV1


      Rexo sold it :4head:

    3. rapidaax


      26 minutes ago, Grego said:

      Rexo sold it :4head:

      Lmfao imagine selling something that was dead to begin with 

  10. Should this man @TheElaborate be punished for his crimes against the people of Olympus?
  11. I will pay to watch someone get interrogated by @LukeTheSup 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Richard


      +1.  Who wants to fuck up and report themselves tonight. 

    3. Mercury


      Oh really, how much?

    4. 1-800TryHards
  12. I have a bad feeling about this @rapidaax @Corps 




    jk congrats sub humans

  13. @Coffee I knew you would get it

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