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APD Officer
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Everything posted by CocoisDead

  1. @Montez Gonna miss my purple buddy :( love you 

    1. Montez


      smh my head, i'm leaving and you still make fun of me

  2. Congrats @Super_Nova Pablo Escobar would be proud and @Winters the queen would be proud

  3. Welcome to the squad of retards @Brolaf

  4. stole what i was gonna say
  5. cy@ retard
  6. @Justi you really not gonna @someone :(

  7. whoever removed my status update come out now >:( 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tacosmell


      Im just here tbh

    3. CocoisDead


      Bruh bloodmoon im gonna need you remove that you cant name animals after stuff you like.... I just like whales and metal(the heavy shit) :( Rip my pet whale metal 2019-2019 died of a heart attack he was a bit overweight(staff killed him)

    4. zoomzooooooom


      sjw internet janitors 

  8. @Hylosi always knew you could do it ;) Congrats!

  9. Now that’s a GRUG moment @Dolphy
  10. Our weed run was better @Bojo
  11. I will see myself out
  12. 10mil in 1 day :wub:








    afk most of the time

    1. i win

      i win

      Get rested up, ready to hit the feds hard tomorrow :D

    2. N7Zero


      2 hours ago, Mr Majestic said:

      Get rested up, ready to hit the feds hard tomorrow :D

      no need to get ready, cops wont dare to log on this time! CIV WINS AGAIN

  13. I have a unlimited supply of mags I guess I just got lucky and found them in a unlocked cop car @hawk
  14. @Google all you hadn’t to do is not put in hours for search @Coffee
  15. Watch Rons stream rn! He will remember you when he gets SGT Best way to get corp is invest now in the stream!


  16. @Kyle Lake You are on stage 5 of the 7 stages after a breakup. Anger. Almost there buddy.
  17. @Kyle Lake
  18. just make sure @Nightingale isnt near you.
  19. You will learn fast that im very slow so gonna need another explanation lol
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