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APD Officer
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Everything posted by CocoisDead

  1. Full time space program @Zahzi later ❤️ 

  2. Happy birthday 2 the oldest man on olympus @Dingle Pooper

  3. o7 @thor 😞 *sad what the shit* 

  4. Another day another win for the UNO GODS @billdroid Dont worry @Hurricane @Millennium You will get a win one day.

  5. Happy Birthday @Kedar made you a cake hope you like it!00199dc8921efc7fada460533b1476e7.png 

  6. @billdroid Another Win for the UNO GODS! @Millennium @Hurricane Bullied off the game again!

  7. If you have been fired at, returning fire is permitted.If someone commits a direct hostile action to you, you may kill them. (Sever Rule)
  8. Minorities cant have anything the white man will always come and steal it
  9. yup you gotta put a lot of effort into afking.
  10. Trying to go for Supervisor
  11. Imagine being at conquest being able to spawn at rebel and not buying a titan for the hawk lol what a meme.
  12. Happy Birthday @Tech will let you beat me in chess just for today 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. buckie


      Simp ass nigga, @rabid how u gonna come at someone else when u slob on Mitas cock. You and bojo are co captains of the sinking simp ship u real life rejects.

    3. Kedar


      oh siht


    4. Kedar


      BRUH @SPBojo u actually did i thought coco was joking around 

  13. APD is lethals loaded on any gays found. Proceed with caution.
  14. You are able to shoot them in the head if cops dont show up. If you really want the gear just rob them but if you dont like them and want a reason to kill them hostage situation.
  15. CocoisDead


    sad to see you go btw pissing on someone is a hostile action.
  16. Enjoy retirement O7 Buddy
  17. All im saying is free protein if you swallow.
  18. Another DB Promotion! Congrats @Mako

    @thor What the shit! 

  19. o7 @SecTranLive You were a skater boi 😞 

  20. Congrats @Iceman Well Deserved 

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