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Status Replies posted by destruct

  1. when ur name gotta be Lvy instead of ivy on the forums 

    Image result for sad meme




  2. I wanna see the beast @Linka tear @Sandman in half in a boxing match for chief 

  3. when ur name gotta be Lvy instead of ivy on the forums 

    Image result for sad meme




  4. We should start the Olympus faceit hub back up.



  5. Staff out here banning the real villains like @bastro instead of the retards shooting me through rocks +1

  6. found out that im dogshit td anyone wanna train me

  7. found out that im dogshit td anyone wanna train me

  8. i would like to thank olympus you guys got me addicted to gambling i put 75 on this shit 


  9. giphy.gif

    nothing like being chased by 45 cops cars

    1. destruct


      4 minutes ago, Drippp said:

      Regardless of if I was trying to kill the kids in restraints or not, the point is that the cop was standing directly next to him.

      Chapter 8: Hostage / Player Robbing

      2. Do not kill players in restraints


      Also, "cross-fire" is pretty much only reserved for when you accidentally manage to kill someone other than who you're trying to kill that happens to be in your line of sight. If you're actually trying to kill the cop and then manage to kill the civ in restraints as well because they're in the exact line with the cop, then that's cross-fire. This wasn't an accident, your actual target was your bud in restraints.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

    1. destruct


      2 minutes ago, Drippp said:

      I mean I killed who I was trying to kill so idk what ur on about

      So this is confirming that the FailRP ban was rightfully placed, thanks.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

    1. destruct


      Yo, you play cartels day-in and day-out right? How shit you gotta be at shooting in this game that you manage to kill the dude standing next to him and almost kill the dude even further away from your 'target' all the while not landing a bullet on your 'target'.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  10. @Ryan are RPG's and planes going to be allowed at conquest forever? Don't see many people staying if that's the case

  11. So if you were to rotor tap a heli with spike strips would that be considered exploiting. I would say no.

  12. So if you were to rotor tap a heli with spike strips would that be considered exploiting. I would say no.

  13. Whatever a | guy reported me ur a little bitch kid. Stay mad u got 3 pieced camping rebel, this isn’t asylum we don’t sit out and snipe the entire fight u little freak.

    1. destruct



      You're allowed to jump out of deer stands on the open sides, not on the sides with windows. You're also not allowed to jump in/out through the buyhut window.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  14. Ayo can someone look into this Battle Eye kick query time. It keeps happening to a bunch of ppl today

  15. why tf do you down vote every post i make?

  16. why tf do you down vote every post i make?

  17. why tf do you down vote every post i make?

  18. o7 guys its been a while ride, i was cleaned by @Grandma Gary


  19. o7 guys its been a while ride, i was cleaned by @Grandma Gary


  20. Might do another Conquest tonight on S3. Just to get a head count, put a like on this status update if you are interested in attending.

    1. destruct


      SMH farming likes which you can just give yourself anyway

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  21. Getting a laptop and cant decide between macOS or windows. I love windows but Mac would be compatible with all my other devices like phone/iPad. Do you guys think its worth it? Not planning on gaming or anything. More for school/coding/daily tasks.

  22. when personal grudges prevent you from gaining rank in any faction. The leader of that faction is failing at their job and needs to be removed. You are no longer running the faction correctly @Ryan @destruct @Zahzi @Sandman

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