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Everything posted by Lucki

  1. Still have my game crashing. Didn't help
  2. Dude. Step 2. If you're going to be modifying files on your computer, at least read the entire post. This is the reason so many people brick phones / crash computers.
  3. The blackmarket may have some sales by APD members coming soon...
  4. I always new that Altis was a rip off... check this shit out.. MH1 for like 1/7th the price... https://www.aerotrader.com/dealers/Vortech%2C-Inc.-3007266/listing/2014-Millennium-MH-1-116612403

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. silton


      -1 we want 50k M900s plz :Kappa::P 

    3. Lucki



      @/ v6 / It was most likely a miskey. I'm not @DeadPool1337. I usually know how to spell.

    4. asdasd123


      oh shit my bad you got me. All hail the one and only lucki

  5. Jeez... would switch cop gun to 115 if that was the case and someone was selling... lmao
  6. That will be updated shortly. The first 3 that Jesse listed are automatic, the others are ones that APD add. Until there is an official statement from SAPD / once we update the ticket guide, don't use the charges, or risk getting reprimanded for improper charging.
  7. Hacks confirmed?
  8. To be completely fair: Way back when there were 3 servers, it worked REALLY well. The gangs were all divided among the servers, Burban and others on 1, Nerdz and others on 2, randoms on 3. You didn't have such a high "concentration" of gangs on each server. Randoms were able to actually do stuff and small gangs were plentiful
  9. You've never stood by an ocean, have you? But it could be inferred that goat is salty because he doesn't play tanoa yet gangs are making massive amounts of money. Something he could easily do himself
  10. We should disregard any votes made by [X] members... just saying
  11. But I like playing cop on Tanoa... usually means you find people actually doing runs...
  12. My game started crashing and texture bugging every 45-55 minutes of playtime literally the day the update came out with the new APD textures... But I haven't played on any other servers so I can't say if its just Olympus or Arma
  13. Oh lord. Pass some over here... LMAO
  14. Which acer motherboard specifically? Reason I ask is because every mobo has a different button or process for booting into BIOS
  15. You've made me laugh for the day... thank you
  16. Lucki

    McDili, AMA!

    Would you come to my wedding?
  17. Seems like with this update I haven't been getting lethal money about half the time. There have been situations where the person may have been epi'd, but a lot of times they disconnect about a minute after I lethal them. I have no way of telling if they respawned, got epi'd or if they Alt-F4'd. Any chance to make it so that a message shows up in sidechat if the person disconnected while in the death screen or respawn screen? Ever since epi's came in, I don't bother sending in reports because it's hard to tell if they combat logged or not.
  18. This happened last night... will definitely be added into my upcoming debut montage.


  19. So I'm to understand that if someone drinks 10 redgulls now back to back and not a single water, it'll be the same water drain as if they drank 1 red gull?
  20. Lucki

    New jail

    I'm not sure what broke my Arma, apex or the server update. Now if I play on the server for more than half an hour and pull out a hunter or a ghosthawk, it crashes my game completely. I'll go through several crashes a night while playing
  21. I never knew about the 100m mark... It seems like I'd be shooting at the ground at that angle... Usually at that distance I use the red dot.
  22. I see the irony in the post I'm making, but its for the greater good. Why the hell are people posting in a shit thread? Just let it die.
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