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  1. Free me

    1. thomaslorddd


      let a tsser on ur account

    2. proud


      didnt do anything wrong💁‍♂️

    3. mOE


      free page 

  2. Free me I didn’t do nothing Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

    1. HooDi


      To be fair page himself didnt do a thing free him up account was hacked by a dirty cheater

  3. RIP the boys u will be missed 

  4. do this every conquest
  5. s3 for the boys?

  6. Why isn’t redgull hotkey not working on oly? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Monks


      I'm more of a gamer glasses type of guy @Grandma Gary 😎

    3. Masonn


      Some keys it doesn't work on I use to have it on 9 which no longer works but moved it to numpad 6 which works fine

    4. Fraali


      It's a bug currently that only happens to people when the key is overlapping with one of the Command Menu keys.
      When optimization goes up, so does the bugs I guess lmao.

      Will be fixed in hotfix 🙂

  7. Page

    o7 gents

    Everyone loves my igga moe see u soon
  8. Screen_Shot_2020-11-28_at_03.49.28.png

    spunk software solutions is back baby welcome new cum apprentice @Xlax

  9. i got BT its shite
  10. Can we get a conquest tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Drippp


      @billdroid its a black man I think. It's okay tho we let it slide for page.

    3. Page


      Bow down 2 me dogs

    4. JuanDeaged


      Pagers weed gone down innit so he came to rip heads on arma 3

  11. Conquest tonight?

  12. Conquest tonight?

  13. Happy birthday Tarzan @nomadox

  14. abf302126bba7235ecab3c9b5dff9c39.png

    as part of my role in the make a wish foundation, Today i am happy to say i have granted my first wish to a young boy callled @DABESTeva 

  15. can someone prioritise my VIP tag plz i wanna be gold 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ryan


      Aight if I change it again I aint changing it back lol @Linka

    3. Linka


      @Ryan i actually have never seen my name gold so im gonna take what i can have

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