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Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by Millennium

  1. Millennium


    @Mike Lit @Hurricane
  2. Well no shit, a dead person when declared dead can't be revived anymore. If you have good gear and are using it, expect to lose it, just because cops have free gear doesn't mean you should get away with it for free. Usually the only times a cop camps somebody's body: They have good gear(BW gear), or have a high bounty. Its a part of the game, you can't just force a cop to stop body camping since you dont want to lose your gear. If you wanna make it more fun use the gear, but expect to lose it. Its not meant to permanently have.
  3. If you are doing a fed, bw, jail, bank, etc. Expect your loadout to be lost. If they won or lost the federal event, they want to make sure you lose. If you have something of value on you or think you may have something of value on you then they will most likely body camp you, especially at BW's, they dont want you getting the loot, thats winning in their eyes.
  4. @Tech wants to fuck a tranny

    1. Ryan


      Not surprised tbh

    2. Tech


      bro you said you would butt fuck James Charles

    3. SuWooP


      Weird you wouldn't tech

  5. YES So long as it follows this APD Officers may only fire upon civilians that have fired upon them first within the Kavala Redzone.
  6. Delete silla?
  7. Millennium


    GO FUCK YOURSELF! You too @ThatNerdyGuy jk o7 my dude, still fuck nerdy tho,
  8. fuck mike!
  9. sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh bye @Mike Lit
  10. Happy birthday @Noodles:D "hey"

    Happy birthday @Maddox nerd

  11. who the fuck cares

    1. Lime


      CONTACT, [REDACTED], 5 meters, front. 

  13. o7!
  14. 1. playing with a group of friends, one guy takes cover and uses the drone for a extremely high tac advantage of constatly able to give consistent call outs safely. 2. If civs get it cops will most likely get it as well. 3. If its limited to 50m what really is the point. It will be easy to spot sure, but then it is completely useless.(Unless you do what I said in 1) That is an Ar-2. Yes this one he is talking about is bigger, but if it is that high it will still be just as difficult to spot.
  15. Fuck No. Here is a drone over the middle of the fed at 415m. As you can see, it's very easy to spot, just be careful to avoid the specs of dust you may have on your monitor. Additionally, at only 415m, it's low enough that every point in the fed has a shot. Oh wait, nevermind, you can't shoot it from inside the fed. Also, you can clearly hear the drone as it is a large and loud vehicle, even at lower volumes you can hear it easily over gunshots. Jk, lied again. Here's the view from the drone turret. Creds to @Zahzi from months ago. (literally a copy and paste from what he posted)
  16. nah. It is not. I remember when I did it was a 1.5km shot with a LIM from rebel boat to cartel. Shit was crazy, luckily he was enemy gang member.
  17. Seeing as there was a wipe in 2015 when the server was POPPING and it almost killed it. I'm gonna have to say no to that.
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