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Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by Millennium

  2. I mean it would take any work, just copy and paste the cop script. No downside to it, if anything helps players that are on dope that aint paying attention, afk, etc. obviously not as important as a cop needing it but its just a nice QOL that requires nothing
  3. just copy and paste the Cops seeing ppl needing dope script. It would make it nicer. +1
  4. @Evannnnn
  5. Died in Kavala, had a 10 second timer

    Spawned Athira and died. How the fuck does this happen


  6. Lmfao. Goat just slapped u with that.
  7. When you defuse bomb at Jail it says bomb blew and jail door is broken. not actually tho
  8. He do be matching tho
  9. o7 mans. Thanks for the corp and stuff.
  10. Millennium


    oh ok, it just looked weird for some reason
  11. Millennium


    what the fuck is that on?
  12. Millennium


    lets just say I listen to a lot. Mainly rap tho
  13. there is already a bunch and not many ppl ask for dope crates and when they do its usually like 5 ppl fighting so it aint worth it.
  14. Lmao, not gonna but the grind definitely ain’t the same.
  15. NGL, I miss when I was grinding for S&R. I had something to go for. now its not as fun lol.
  16. no, just using the option to open and close the door. "Creative use of game mechanics"
  17. you just gotta ruin the cheapest ways of blowing up sheds don't cha
  18. So if you were to rotor tap a heli with spike strips would that be considered exploiting. I would say no.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      @N7Zero what’s wrong with being a cunt? 🤣

    3. Linka


      @Millennium so what ur saying is... if i say i was actually trying to put them down and missed, its okay 

    4. Millennium
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crenshaw


      Corporal by the wa... o that’s right

    3. GregoV1


      wow... you both suck!

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I was there bro. So fucking salty haha “how the fuck can these guys one tap me so hard”... I suck at Arma. Even after 5 years. 

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