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Everything posted by Christoph

  1. 07 @ ThatNerdyGuy  Will never forget how you went out your way to push for me to get corp way back when.


    I'm glad you have moved on and have a proper good life ahead of you. All the best Mr!!

  2. He forgot to toggle Godmode off at the time so he walked away just so he can play it off and give u an advantage again
  3. 07 Mr, I remember all the fun we use to have and still remember quite well the very important bandanna aviators that I made you lose after being robbed. I appreciate you taking me under your wing all that time ago and I'm glad I learnt from you when I could.
  4. How much for just the 4c alone?
  5. Skill issue ^^
  6. I'm not gonna lie, I was not wanting to post my opinion or response here. In all honesty I wanted to just lay-low play on here and maybe work my way up the ranks and build a new rep. (rather the old shitty one I have) In my time playing here and my vast experience around a lot of places I will give my 2cense on what I think should happen and my opinion across the board. Disclaimer alert. Winters is someone I would consider a good friend, this is no attack on him or anyone at all mentioned during this, I will try to remain as neutral and bias as possible with the known information I have available to me. That being said if you disagree with what i have to say then feel free to tell me and why ill happily listen. APD The Problem As it stands, 10Hours a WEEK for Sapd is ridiculous considering it is being imposed on the faction now. If it was already a thing in the past it is more understandable but I'm guessing during a meeting Ryan told Winters/dep chiefs that Sapd need to be more interactive with Jr APD and to lead by example, in which the way around this that was suggested and implemented is a heavy hour requirement. Sure this is 1 way of doing this but maybe not the correct or needed way for the current time. Let me tell you why 10 hours a week will never work if you want to increase activity/interaction with Jr APD and overall motivation. On another community called ANZUS their hour requirements for whitelisted factions (Cop and medic) are a bit differnt. in a nutshell: 10Hours+ every 2 weeks marks you active (this has recently changed tho) 5-9 Hours is Semi-active and anything under 5 is inactive. The important thing to note is this is General Ops so basically Jr APD on here. The specialised departments with the cool shit and better equipment (Sapd over here) must hit 10hours every week. 10 hours a week for some people who never touch grass is piss easy. 10 hours a week for people who have relationships to manage, jobs to keep them alive with this economy rn and people who don't piggy bank of mommy and daddy's bank account tends to crank up the pressure by 10x This being said some people manage it others do not. In simple terms. DO NOT enforce 10 hours a week for people who, at the end of the day, want to play a video game that gives them some joy and satisfaction with friends or even make new friends whilst doing it. YOU ARE WORKING A PART TIME JOB this is coming from someone who was forced to put in 10hours a week for 6+months. it is not acceptable or sustainable it is just a short handed way to remove people in positions because you cant or wont remove them for anything else and they are just holding up a spot that someone else could take. Now with regards to Jr APD interaction, when i first played here to now i have seen a difference already. Matter of fact Shout out too the retired sapd guys who have been playing with me (jr APD) more than some Cpls/Sapd. Don't get me wrong their are some Cpls and Sapd who i have seen nearly every day get on and play and they are the real hero's icl (when im a deputy or Po killing myself at a 9am fed by AZOV or TP). The truth is no matter what people will complain about sapd not being able to interact with lower ranks enough or not being around etc and that is 70% due to only being about 14 people strong in a 90+ member faction. Po Joe Swanson is not going to be remembered as well enough as Sgt Yakgod who was seen logging on the exact same time and day as Po Joe but people will say Yakgod is inactive or not putting in his times when Po joe has put in 15+ hours but only been playing in the morning with Yakgod. This in mind im not defending saying they are all gods and active etc etc. I do agree with Bojo that some do just play in hidden channels all day long and avoid Jr APD which is quite a shame tbh but their is also always 2 sides to the case (sometimes myself included I just want to play with my friends for a bit to cheer me up or have a laugh, plus I know I can let loose a bit and not have to be always professional etc) The Solution Bye bye winters. Sorry but it is needed at this rate. Cm and Chief is a conflict of interest 1 has to go (if he wants too that is) and tbh like mentioned i just dont see mako as an amazing fit for chief. He has kept the boat sailing as CM why get rid of a good CM when you can have both? Caden i cant comment on as i have not really seen him much around to play with him. Im not gonna carry this on cuz ill be here for ever. Simple thing too do is open up LOI's. Have Ryan manage and be the head off the process. He will select some individuals of his choosing (who will NOT be announced to people and will try to abstain from bias and opinion) Lois will be open to lets say Cpl+ A 72hour period to allow submission Ryan with his selected people will go over the candidates and do a Yes, maybe, no vote Those with majority yes votes will move onto the interview stage Must be interviewed by Ryan and 1 other member he has selected Once all done they will do a final vote/decision Next chief appointed The Reason it is Cpl+ is to help allow possible progression into the Sapd. Their is a very low chance a Cpl will get Chief but if he does a really good job overall then he can be looked at for Sapd This brings me onto my second point for improvement. Open up Cpl LOI's and Sgt LOI's to allow Po's and Cpls to be looked at for promo so Sapd can have a big list of people that want too progress and can be looked at extra carefully. It also means they have to gain an opinion on them, vote and explain why they voted the way they did and finally give them a shot at the Cpl/Sgt test too see if they have the knowledge to uphold the rank. I'm gonna end it here cuz its a lot and I wanna play OW now. Yet again feel free to comment and voice your opinions
  7. Dammm alot has changed by the looks of it @Cooper:PMy man finally a SGT @jigBe a big boi developer @1thedocA Lt my man

    @Millennium @Hurricane I see you greenies

    @Strae Bit too much on the red with the pfp too. Kek

    @maxg You seem to be coming and going more times then my dad. Maybe this time you will stay? xD

    @ThatNerdyGuy Don't even say that you did not put that guitar playing video in APD CoC. I know you brought it up xD

    @Winters Holding down the thought i see, God save the queen! Kinda too late to give you back that bandanna now huh? 

    @DeadPool Same old same old, spamming all the forums and giving me a shit ton of notifications. Hope you swole now my guy. Hope you gained what you wanted 😉 gonna be milf hunting?

    Hope its going well for you lots, thought i would jump back and see whats going on abit ngl. Probs wont be back again for a few more months LuL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeadPool


      im barely posting what lmfao

      also im following in @Orgondos foot steps hunting them mifls but in my browns

    3. Orgondo


      You will never match my milf count son.


    4. Millennium


      Hello crumpet fucker

  8. Idk who this @TM_ Guy is, but he sounds like the one who says that "APD is Bias" "its all a friend Circle" "Ive Been a Po for X amount of days and everyone else gets promoted" Thats all i have gathered coming back to see this community within the last 10 mins or so. Im going to give you a real quick 1 to 1 about this bro. DO NOT try and be that guy, NO MATTER where you will be in life you just have to learn when to shut the fuck up and when to show your what it is worth. Negative behaviour or just in general not being what is up to the requirement aint gonna get you ANYWHERE. You could have a TIG of 400 OR a TIG of 30 if you are a great example of what a rank is they WILL promote you. I did not see that when i was here, I wasnt a good example, I was cocky twatty and all the rest hell, ask any Corps or majority of the SAPD and they will agree and have an opinion of me just alone. But i Will Mean this when i say it, that @Winters @ThatNerdyGuy @Rossco @Zeuse @thor All Know what: 1. Working for the rank is and deserving it. 2. Being passed over by others but still not giving up. You probs dont know who i am, and i certainly dont know who you are. But if you seriously want to carry on this way, go for it idc doesn't effect me LuL. ik that you WILL NEVER get a position higher than PO if that is how you conduct yourself. Do you want to know why? Ask anyone who use to know me and you will understand why i can say this to you. Word of advice, change how you think, PLAY THE GAME AND HAVE FUN
  9. Where da fuk was my @
  10. Whats been happening since I left? y'all have a wiki now 

  11. Well shit. I knew it would come one day I guess but the real problem is letting go off all the people I have met on here in this journey. This is not a rant post or shit post etc. This is simply to say goodbye for now. No one ever leaves oly thats for a fact and especially after the time i put in on here i can fully say without a doubt in my heart that I will be around everyone and then. Umm i guess ill give some back story and shit then Probs @ some people and what not yano the usual shit. I started oly around 3 or so years I think cba to do the maths but yea. I fucked around for a bit and I remember my first experience of oly as RDM'ing some random cops (2) in kav when they stood still with a rook. After this i was arrested and broke for some time. I met some small-ish gangs like Prae, Never Neglect (NN) kavala scats and a bunch more that I honestly can't remember. Then I met a friend named Declan-the toxic one. We made some bullshit excuse saying we were like brothers and shit but in all honesty we only met each other from playing oly lol theres that secret gone and shit. We signed up for the APD and well yea this is when the adventure only just began. I think it was my first week or so being a deputy and I met a fairly odd Scottish lad named @Zeuse No cap i think he hated me a tad for some time cuz i was a troll back then and i remember shooting kav HQ as a cop to stop the processing.. Whoopss... Anyway after that some time went on and i was basically know as the 8 week deputy. reason for it is literally cuz i didn't get a PO test till 8 weeks went by. I met some fine folk tho that will be mentioned soon. After finally becoming PO after failing the test I then started my grind to become a corp (FYI NOT FUCKING WORTH IT). I belived i put in about 187 days or so if my maths is correct. But through-out those days MANY situations would have arise that some-what shaped me to being the person i am today. I met a stereotypical brit named @Maddog he was one of the inspirations i had to be as a corp. fast forward a bit come another critical point in my APD career Mr @Pledge Now at the time he was like my "All might" in the APD (My hero Acadamia reference Btw) Basically a situation arise and it changed the aspect of being a Senior in the APD for a long time to come. Pledge was a great role model to go from. Then one day, probs one of my happiest is when I connected to the ts and was moved to a channel and given a CORP test best day on OLY so far. Many people told me that i wouldn't get it @Decimus My Corp time: So basically i have been a corp for about 502 days. Some times they were fun sometimes they weren't. I always wanted to get SGT and well it didn't go well. I made tons of friends and had some fun. In the mean time I joined BFO that was fun and was a kinda big-ish gang @codeYeTi was a fun and down-to-earth guy. @Jimmy Netz This mother fucka somehow managed to be THE SINGLE HANDLED most nice person i have met on OLY and some what in life. I then left BFO for a bit and solo for some time and focused on grinding for SGT. met some people on the way had some fun and then it slowly went down hill. I joined Tree and my god that was fucking fun. I will now mention some people that made my time worth while in tree. @Hylos @ThatNerdyGuy @Bloodmoon @Lou @G F @SPBojo and probs a few more that i cannot 100% remember off by heart. You guys made some fun fucking experiences and it was great. Then came DB the rising gang. Little did i know that this gang would be basically what runs Oly Omeggalul. I had some great times in DB and majority of it was like tree but more of a meme. Some of the people i met were great. I'll mention some here @i win @Zahzi @Cyanide @Unjo @Revise @raykazi @Horizon @Civak @Trimorphious @Stuuurrt @Silton These are just some of the many that were in the ts. you guys made my time in oly worthwhile form many situations that occurred. I will just say this now im going to give a few shout outs to some MVP that I encounted and were some great guys @Linka Im always here dawg i know what you are going through and feel as well @Soulz Get fucking SGT already bro. Ik i can't say much but at least be the one out of the 2 of us to actually FUCKING get it. @Cooper:P I wuv you bb cakes @Sho-Time I luv you hope you have fun and i know we will meet up on you know where @B. Wagner I know where you will be ill see you soon dw. @thor Fuk of ye bruv init ill shank you but i cba cuh of my knew Jd shoes fam. Ain't gonna crease dem ya get me. Have fun #should be dep chief @hawk Thanks for giving me a shot at Corp I also know that @Pledge and @ThatNerdyGuy helped with this and I hope that yall don't regret it. Im sorry that it still took a long as time to push for me but hey i proved them wrong i owe you all alot and no matter what regardless i still thank @Grandma Gary How TF do you do it. I mean admin shit must be fun to fuck arround but bro. you are acctually going down with the ship huh. Well gl to you sir because you made some funny fucking moments alone. Anime weebs get a section for free: Yea yall gain my respect regardless. peace out and btw kedar. Your the reason as to why i click my fucking knuckles like in tokyo ghoul. @Strae @ChrisGG @Kedar @Unjo @Montez You got my snap hmu when ever. Gl dawg we still playing tho regardless @buckie Same with you Hmu on snap when ever. @Winters I love you mr alcholic. Thanks for you and cy for taking me under your wing and im sorry that i got you robbed and made you lose a 3 year old relic. If i missed you then just say i have been writing this for about 3 or so hours lol. Goodbye olympus for now its been a fun ride and i must admit If there was anything i could change it would be ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I learnt so much from this and i want to thank you all who were involved I will say this now to all the people grinding etc. FAMILY and IRL shit comes first. Do not waste your time on a VIDEO game. and what ever you do. DON'T GIVE UP. Have fun all im going to miss sooo many of you. Just remember tho. Oly is a Community not a server. Im greatful to be involved and meet so many new and old friends. I will still be around dw. In ts sometimes etc. here is some vids of my time in oly CBA to make it into one whole vid.
  12. @Rossco Glad one of us finally got it. Have fun Mr Sgt sir!

    @Bloodmoon Shiii.... Now you can abuse me even more. i'm sorry Sir!


    Congrats fella's these are some promotions I can at least stand by. Enjoy your Ghawks

  13. I'ma miss you ya crackhead @Rexo 



    "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit."

  14. I would say this was a productive checkpoint ngl

    1. Millennium



    2. Monks


      This is what happens when you leave jAPD alone.

  15. THese are the ones i want if i win FYI
  16. 07 @i win

    I'm going to miss you as i think you were the only person who actually made a logical reason in many things and was overall funny and great to meme around. I know you'll probs be back at some point cuz no one who plays this community for a long time can just go and not come back once or twice. Glad how the server is now compared to a while back. you changed a lot of this community from APD to civ for the good and the bad but it was worth every minute of it. You changed Olympus and you can rest easy king. Cy@ 

    Also i made a fan-fiction for you so i could be un-banned from ts ❤️

  17. 07. I will miss how the fact that i am one of the reasons as to why you drink so much @Childish❤️

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Your player movement is aids.

    3. Cooper:P


      What they didn’t see is me getting ripped out of that heli

    4. Christoph


      I was laughing the whole time. That why it looked aids ❤️

  18. Imagine having an ego on a virtual server cuz you have Deputy chief and ADMIN @ThatNerdyGuy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. milos inflated dev2 ego
    3. monster


      i like where this is about to go.

    4. Creepy


      lmao who changed decla's default forum tag to R&R?

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