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Everything posted by Mr GOAT

  1. Live look at Corporals logging in to yoink that sgt "slot": 


  2. b55695288fa36c4df30f10b475c5425e.png

    someone promote this man for 10k IQ rp 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ryan
    3. Hoonter


      Some of us rp over teamspeak or group chat but this man has evolved past even that. @Sandman better take some notes

  3. @Parker Radley study time

    1. Parker R

      Parker R

      Ill bend you over and give you a nuggy.

  4. problem #1
  5. jokes on you they don't exist
  6. That’s when @kev starts intentionally not selling after feds oh wait
  7. We took a decent language, and made it efficient, just as we did with our factories that kept you alive during WW2 tldr: usa revived a dead meme (english language)
  8. didnt know there was a month 30, p weird
  9. Rex, he literally just pulled a number out of his ass and said “this is the average”. ive always been 1-2 tapped by titans, and flares aren’t really consistent either soooo.
  10. Please refer to my bank account if cops make “fucking bank”.
  11. This post actually makes me laugh hard i don’t camp warzone, literally 70% of the time it’s a random leading me to OG during a fight then tapping flares like “go get em xddd”
  12. post of the year nomination
  13. *insert me patiently waiting for the note to be gyazo'd into this thread* @TheCmdrRex declassify the documents
  14. Out of respect for Egnazio and the rest of the APD, I'll pass on bringing up (potentially) damaging items on the forums. With that being said, I meant exactly what I stated.
  15. you should continue that trend
  16. 1. imagine buying a vehicle for 1m to where you can never be caught by the apd welcome: 2. imagine doing an event where you're guaranteed to never have to respawn cuz "MUH REALISM" welcome: inb4 "B-B-BUT GOAT THE APD CANT WIN EVERYTIME" mfw:
  17. ffab7fd879df0360cf41927d4afc769d.png

    keep flexing big bro @Fake Grandma

    give her the meatball

    1. Show previous comments  37 more
    2. iPopsicle


      @Fake Grandma Border Patrol will follow

    3. MAV


      11 hours ago, hawk said:

      I'm fucking d e a d :lol:

      T H I S

    4. Linka


      @Ryan im doing that too lol

  18. I don't shoutout streams often, but throw this mans a follow, legit the NEXT BIG THING


  20. 5m for 1 restart, with a 2 minute head start
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