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indian last won the day on July 26 2019

indian had the most liked content!

About indian

  • Birthday 09/22/2003

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17883 profile views

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Depends on major. i'd get a windows laptop tho. i like my surface 4. i had a m1 macbook and returned it bcuz accounting software was weird on mac. I also had two classes where you would have to use a windows virtual desktop if you had a mac.
  2. Where is Hadi Mokdad

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. buckie


      Hadi definitely deserves to be banned unlike @ Drippp  the best mod Olympus ever seen

    3. buckie


      @ Ryan  what if at random intervals boats dropped from the sky onyo drip unban then?

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Off somewhere water boarding some unfortunate Lebanese citizen 🙏

  3. Online. I have a 4 man squad in discord teaming on AP Econ tests.

  5. join if u want, shit's going down if my frames drop under 144

  6. I will never understand how a whiny political pawn that can barely speak without being spoon fed a script wins person of the year over HK protesters. Greta had less than 2% in the official voting poll. Like fuck me, Mr Beast has done more for the environment than that girl, give him the award. A bunch of zealots at Times.
  7. Ayo share my curry with me

  8. lmao how old is your brother? Didn't know I was married at 16.
  9. nah i'll see you when you're back from college. I'm actually your brother.
  10. goodbye my indian friend
  11. Going on right now s1
  12. after 3pm est next weekend if it’s on Saturday, please and thank you for the update
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