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Everything posted by Venomm

  1. DAPIGGGGGGG how much are u sell @ monsterr
  2. @ monsterr  supwise! tenor.gif

    1. monster


      hehe not da original supwise but you might get da banned off da forums for da owignal!

  3. @ monsterr  u are spin!1!1!1!!!!!!1

  4. Venomm


    will buy all 5 Carrier Lite (black)
  5. Congrats sandal squad @ Bubbaloo Burrito  and this very interesting individual @ Rafa !

  6. @ Fraali  cheater! we know who u are!

  7. @ King  Happy 21 big mans! @ Old Doc  Happy birthday as well!

  8. this guy says i have pulldowns
  9. @ Hurricane  Happy birthday big boy!
    Fr tho you a g thanks for pulling my ass out of the blacklist pit 😄

  10. Venomm


  11. @ Tyronee  Happy brithday slavman! 🥳 🎉 🙌

  12. Happy birthday dude! @ 1thedoc

  13. oh yeah forgot bcof nerdy's thing congrats @ Brookss go monkey on em

  14. o7 @ ThatNerdyGuy ill fail a couple more 3-1s for you ❤️

  15. pretty sure last time this happened someone called mr @ Mudiwa some questionable things @ Grandma Gary
  16. Happy birthday Timothy Sawyer @ Mudiwa

  17. @ Revy  Roast me next! Roast me next!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SPBojo


      Mans bout to beat me in o7's, i don't think you can handle the heat from a angry 14 year old my guy

    3. Venomm


      Bojo at least this guy wouldn't discriminate someones promotion because of their skin color 

    4. Monks


      Aight ima have to leak it, venom is a dirty Blasian chink

  18. Happy birthday Asylum Staff @ Lorax !

  19. @ grooovy  freed out the mud! 😄 🙌 🦀

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