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Everything posted by Strikke

  1. Wat?
  2. Who are you now? 4real tho sad to see you go
  3. Post offers below

    1. J O E

      J O E

      well at least its not 'I like to slit my wrist music'

  5. I feel like something happend to make you post this This is one of those things that would work great if nobody abused or trolled with it, but that is not going to happen so -1
  6. @DeadPool1337 you broke AF
  7. 76561198056591362
  8. @Stuart well i guess you also get a :Kappa: like deadpool 

  9. One Norwegian krone?
  10. Did no one notice this man's promotion?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strikke


      True true:Kappa:



      Gratz btw

    3. Dangus


      4 minutes ago, Ignis said:

      Well I don't do anything sooooooo

      Lol, don't worry. According to your tags you're still a mod too. You're a modmin

    4. Goodman


      * strike slowly strokes* 

  11. My friends band


    1. DeadPool


      Scream some more

  12. Came out today!


    1. SPBojo


      2hardcore4me, Strikke is the real norwegian here, im just a fake viking :FeelsBad:

    2. Strikke


      4 minutes ago, SPBojo said:

      2hardcore4me, Strikke is the real norwegian here, im just a fake viking :FeelsBad:


    3. Main


      @Strikke Good to know the door is finally open! Whatever you do, don't go back in. ;)

  13. Think most of us has managed to kill two people before.
  14. Wait... who are you and how did you get here?:Kappa::Kappa:

    1. Julian


      When memes are dreams I go anywhere I want,:pog:

    2. Strikke


      Try not to get lost in the penthouse.:Kappa:










      not rly... its small AF

  15. There is a difference between lag switching someone and then saying you are sorry for doing so and accidentally killing the wrong person and then saying you are willing to comp for the gear/items they lost from you accidentally killing them. Ofc the Lagswitcher is still going to get banned because its clearly cheating but accidentally RDMing someone shouldn't result in you getting banned if you know the mistake you made and tried to pay for it without you having to get banned for a stupid mistake
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